We really got into a nice rhythm yesterday.
I back into the sweet spot,
Kyle loads my bed with 6 scoops
(all the truck can dump... its wet heavy clay/sand)
then I drive through the pasture to a
spot behind Linda's new house and dump it.
(Which requires BACKING to the pile...
I'm learning to back a vehicle using my mirrors!
Only took 60 years...)
Then drive back to the sweet spot...
make a "tick mark" on my tally sheet
and do it all again.
I did a total of 30 loads yesterday.
Kyle came over with the skid steer and
spread the dirt out after every 10 loads.
Spreading dirt.
Some of my piles.
And his "cat bird".
This bird followed him, back and forth,
the whole time he was spreading.
Looking for bugs... but no luck since this
is coming from the bottom of the pond.
We moved a LOT of dirt!
There's his little friend again!
Silly bird.
I forgot to take another picture...
but it's WAAAAY bigger now.
I left about 5:30 and Rod took my driver's seat
for another hour and then they called it a day.
He/We are taking the weekend off.
It's going faster than we anticipated
so we aren't going to push quite so hard
next week. Although he still has a TON
of work left to do - 40 more dirt piles to move
that he and Rod piled up on Thursday,
and 80+ trees to move, cut up, load up
and haul off to the dump.
So far, so good...