Thursday, February 27, 2020

New Job

You remember I showed you Kyle's new machine.
He has it leased for a month.

Linda approved his plan to take down 80
trees (which he did in the first day...)
(he still needs to chop them up and
carry them off to the dump, but they
are all down at least...)
and then dig a pond.
It's 80 x 80 x 8' deep
with an interior measurement of 50x50.

He will spread all that dirt on the
low spots on her farm that are
ALWAYS flooding.
That will really help.

Anyhow - that IS a lot of dirt.
So... he digs and I haul it off!

This was the very first scoop...

Inspecting the hole.

Hey, this is kind of fun!

My new office.
Rod came over last night and took
some pictures, but he didn't send them to me yet.

This morning I took Rod to his eye doctor.
His glaucoma pressure was a bit higher than
she liked, so he had a laser procedure
to release some of that pressure.
But although she said he would be ok
to go back to work in about an hour,
be was still kind of fuzzy and
didn't feel like he should really be
working on an airplane when he can't see
the tiny stuff.

But he CAN see well enough to drive
the dump truck.
And naturally he is WAY better (faster)
than I am... so he went to work with Kyle.

Poor Kyle will really miss him tomorrow
when he's got me back in the driver's seat...

The job should take about 100 hours or so.


Meanwhile, my booboo is looking pretty good.
I've been putting Bountiful Balm on it
to help it heal and keeping it wrapped
to keep it clean.
I get the stitches out on Tuesday.
Can't wait!
It's ITCHY!!!

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