Friday, March 27, 2020

Friday Fun Day

It's been another busy day.

I worked out, ate some breakfast,
and then Kyle and I headed out in his
truck to run some errands.
But it was driving a little wonky,
and upon inspection his front passenger
tire had a nice sized bulge in it.
The tires are... 4 years old? 
And he puts a LOT of miles on his truck.

So, change of plans.
Headed to the tire place instead.
They had to get the tires from another 
local store, so we drove back to the house,
and I followed him back in my truck.

Dropped his truck off and headed to Linda's
farm where he moved some dirt that was
possibly in the way and Linda and I
had a nice chat.

Then to Tractor Supply (like 2 blocks from her farm)
to pick up chicken and large animal feed.

Then up the street to Sam's for some
groceries (mostly produce).

Then back home.

As we pulled into our farm, I remembered
the whole reason we were driving a truck was
we were supposed to stop at the local feed
store and get a round roll of hay for the cows!

Unloaded all the food (human and animal)
and by that time Rod was home.
So he and Kyle have headed back out to
get the hay and pick up Kyle's truck.

This is what Kyle did ... yesterday?
(Time flies when you are in social distancing... lol)

I included this picture because getting HIM
in one is pretty rare... lol.

This is Linda's new feed shed.
He built her a nice new ramp/stair so she
can easily get in and out.
It's great!

I spent 4+ hours yesterday on webinars
learning how to use Zoom.
Today I FINALLY got my upgraded version license.
Our poor home office people have really been
struggling with getting 200 instructors up and
running in the space of 4 days.
But it works now...

I think we should schedule a Zoom!
It's super easy and all the cool kids are doing it!

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Send me an invite and I'll ZOOM with you - My RS Presidency was going to have a ZOOM meeting but we ended up just chatting shortly over the phone. We have a really good ward and no one really needs anything. (lots of stay at home mom's already and they have everything covered - lots of day trips to the mountains, deserts, washes, etc. and lots of fun activities planned). The youth in our ward have taken on the task of doing 'drive by parades' for all the little kids in the ward that have birthdays during this time - since they can't have a birthday party - they decorate their vehicles and drive by singing happy birthday and waving and honking etc. The kids LOVE it! They make arrangements before-hand with the parents for a planned time so the birthday child will be out on the porch to watch! It's pretty fun. (good kids!)