Kyle and I were at Tractor Supply the other
day picking up feed.
And of course, it's spring, so they have
their spring chicks all set up in horse troughs
for the people to ooooh and aaaaah and
hopefully buy and take home.
I keep checking, but they never have any
ducks anymore.
Rod misses his ducks.
They just got a shipment!
Introducing Hewey, Dewey, Louie & ... Bob?
These are various breeds / straight run.
Which is code for TOTAL MYSTERY.
We have no idea what they are.
They like to get their little beaks in the water
and flip it everywhere.
When I went to check on them just now
they were all standing in their little feed dish.
Cuz all the shavings were soaking wet.
Silly ducks.
They are again nice and dry.
But it won't last.
Meanwhile we sliced up the pickling cucumbers
we picked from the garden
and made a jar of "quickles".
It was a very basic recipe.
Called for apple cider vinegar.
I LOVE them.
I'm the only one.
Kyle pulled 3 more big pickles off the same plant
and they are in the fridge, probably until Monday.
I found another quick pickle recipe for a dill pickle.
A little more traditional tasting.
But I need dill weed, garlic cloves and pickling salt.
And I am NOT going to a grocery store on Saturday.
So... they will have to wait.
Check out the beautiful head of broccoli!
That's our first ever!!!
There's another one out there... probably needs
another week before its ready.
We also picked ONE zucchini.
We aren't crushing the squash thing this year.
Not sure how we messed up...
but we might be the only people to NOT
get a bumper zucchini crop this year.
The garden is looking good though.
He's back there in his pickling cucumber patch.
Then there are the okra, growing...
onions and peppers.
The zucchini (kind of behind him) "look"
healthy enough, but just no production.
And the watermelons are doing really well!
Beau has a sore foot.
He nearly got stepped on by a cow this morning,
but he seemed fine after that.
We think maybe he got bit by something?
He likes to hang out under the hay manger
and who knows who else lives under there...
It's a little swollen, he won't walk on it,
but will lightly touch the ground with it
when he runs.
He licks it when he's awake, but he's sleeping
(and SNORING) now, so it's not giving him
too much trouble, I guess.
Poor baby.
The menfolk are building a fenced enclosure
around my rabbit hutch
since the steers have gotten a bit aggressive and
with the rabbits (hopefully) bred, I'll need
to be out there more often than just
twice a day that I can currently sneak out there
while the steers are eating their grain...
They take such good care of me!
Our new gate latches FINALLY arrived
and Kyle put one on the garden gate.
I LOVE these things!
So much easier!
Meanwhile I made a big bowl of my favorite
veggie and pasta salad
and a big carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.
I'm teaching a zoom class from 6-10
but wanted the guys to have something
to eat this evening.
I had to try a peice.
It's good!
Oh yeah, and Rod and Kyle put up
the ceiling fan we bought last weekend.
It's out in the garage so the dogs
will be cooler during the summer.
We've wanted one forever, but keep forgetting
to buy one when we are at Lowe's.
I FINALLY remembered and boy it
is MUCH nicer out there now!
(Only that 1/3 of the garage looks like that...
the rest of it is wide open - we have a lot
of garage / tool stuff, but its all stuck
in a very small space...)
It's been a very busy and productive
couple of days!
We are ready for a restful and relaxed Sabbath!