Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Kind Words Matter

This morning on Facebook
Sidonna Goodrich shared this...

Soft Rain...
(But in my mind it's 
"And the Columbine are bending their heads in the rain...")
You're welcome for that ear wig.

Remember singing at the Jubilee Auditorium?
A thousand years ago?
And singing this and several other really cool songs?

I think Sondra has the music book.
Or Mom?


Listening to it brought back so many cool memories.
Getting to sing at the Jubilee!
(Only FANCY singers did that!)

Standing on the front row.
Wearing my soft, flowing, lavender long dress.
(I LOVED that dress!)

But one of the memories that stands out the most...

When we were all finished, an older man
came up to me and told me that he doesn't hear well,
but he was able to watch me singing and because
I sang so clearly he was able to understand the
words by watching my mouth.

I made a difference in one person's life!
And that has stuck with me for 45+ years!
I think of it whenever I am in a choir.

So yeah.
When you are contemplating saying something
kind to someone else, a friend, a total stranger,
It really CAN make a huge difference in their life.

Kind Words.
They Matter.

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Kind words.. good thought. Great reminder. Thanks!