Wednesday, September 30, 2020
New Growth!!!
Monday, September 28, 2020
Monday, Monday....
Thursday, September 24, 2020
RIP Andy
My handsome horse Andy passed away today.
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Strep and a Challenge
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Back to Real Life
We are back.
And Blogger is back to forcing double space.
Anyhow, I suppose I could switch to regular paragraphs instead of centering everything. But I like the way that looks and the way the sentences flow.
Wednesday we mostly just did laundry and rested after a LOT of travel.
And Thursday it was back to real life.
Rod went back to work.
I went back to work at the Town, the Building Department Clerk is out sick and has been since the day after we left for vacation so they were in a PANIC to have me back and help get caught up... additionally the Town Manager is National Guard and he got deployed to the border in Texas for a YEAR and Thursday was his last day before deployment.
I ended up working 6.5 hours to help them get back up to speed. I also had a Zoom meeting with my teaching team at 1:30, so I put on my earbuds and listened/watched while I was inputting Building Permits and Inspections.
When I got off work I headed home and changed into my Zoom "uniform" and taught the 6-9 pm New Recruit Orientation zoom workshop.
Rod has gone back to working part time at FIT Aviation again, so he goes in to Embraer in the morning, works his normal hours there and drives across the airport to the school and works with his brother, Scott for 4 hours or so in the late afternoon/evening.
Friday morning he got up to get ready for work and Kyle saw the light, so he got up too. Kyle had a RAGING sore throat. (Sinus infection - likely from re-breathing his own germs while wearing a mask in the airplane...) So I got up too... we had him gargle with warm salt water (since we are out of lemon juice - and honey makes his throat burn on a regular day... didn't think MORE burning would feel better... lol). And then he started my regime of 3 Oil of Oregano and 3 D3 capsules every 3 hours.
Rod left for work and Kyle hung out in my room while we waited for the sun to come up.
After taking care of the animals, I headed into the ZoomRoom for the 9-1 review class.
As soon as that was over, I headed into town to Sams to pick up lemon juice and some other misc. groceries and then over to Tractor Supply to refill the cow and horse feed bins.
Home to dump the feed and then I drove over with Kyle to Ring Power to pick up his latest tool/toy.
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Last Day
BEFORE the witching hour.
Kyle was pleased about that...
He stopped in the little breakfast room at the hotel
and grabbed a set of silverware and headed
to his room to eat his leftovers from
Texas Roadhouse the night before.
Rod and I headed to bed!
(Well, after Rod ate his peach...)
We all slept in.
I don't think I got up until nearly 8.
We decided to forego the $50 iHop breakfast
and headed into downtown Salt Lake where
Rod found a Marathon gas station to fill
the rental and we each got a burrito.
They really are good!
And then we headed to Temple Square.
The traditional photo...
Even with the smoke in the air
(from the California fires)
the sky was beautiful and the
reflecting pond was gorgeous!
They have started wiring the trees for the
Christmas lights, and then lots of the
branches broke in the storm.
Only hanging on by their lights!
Lots of the bedding plants looked sad.
But there were teams of young gardeners
pulling out the old and getting ready to replace
it with the fall plantings.
Crab apple?
Whatever they were, there were a bunch of
them and they were all LOADED!
We picked a ripe-ish looking one and
dug into it with our fingernails.
It smelled like apple...
And then it was time to leave.
Salt Lake City got a new airport.
And the opening day was yesterday!
We were some of the first people to use
the new airport!
Of course, only Delta is flying out of the
new terminal, so we dropped off our car in
the new rental return (fancy and VERY easy),
checked in and checked our bags
(fancy and VERY easy)
and then walked a MILLION miles
(literally a full mile)
to the old terminal to the furthest gate
possible (F-20) to catch our flight.
Since we saw on the news that morning that
it was the grand opening for the new airport,
we made sure to get there plenty early
just in case...
So we had lots of time to sit and watch the
other people, nap, charge our devices, etc.
Good bye Salt Lake!
Until next time!
So anyway.
We aren't mask wearing people usually.
Of course, they are mandatory in the airport
and while on the plane.
Some people were pretty lax about it,
and then there were others who were wearing
TWO masks at the same time!
Or even a mask AND a face shield.
Kyle and I were laughing about it when
I glanced over and saw this....
Is that SERIOUSLY a person with a bag on their head????
It was MOVING!
Turned out it was something on the lady's stroller.
But we laughed and laughed and laughed!
Made it home a little ahead of schedule,
everything at the house looked great,
Jim did a fabulous job taking care of everyone
and everything.
The dogs were happy to see us.
And we were happy to sleep in our own beds.
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Day Five?
Monday, September 14, 2020
WAY Behind
We got up, went to “Maverick” (gas station)
for fuel for the Jeep and breakfast burritos.
And then hit the highway to Yellowstone.

We stopped at another gas station midway
and they had this yummy looking Huckleberry
Honey, jams, candy, etc.
But I was afraid it wouldn’t make the trip
in our suitcases, so I took a picture to order
online later if I want.
Meanwhile, I bought a little tube of
Huckleberry lip balm.
It’s great, but smells really sweet and
every time I put it on, Kyle gets hungry.
On to the park.
It was wonderful to be able to just show
Rod’s lifetime membership card and his ID
and get right in!
We spent the day showing Rod all the cool
sights and sounds of the South loop.
It was SO beautiful!
We MADE it!!!!
It was a LONG hike - 2 miles up hill and 2 miles down hill.
It was worth it!!!