Saturday, September 19, 2020

Back to Real Life

 We are back.

And Blogger is back to forcing double space. 


Anyhow, I suppose I could switch to regular paragraphs instead of centering everything. But I like the way that looks and the way the sentences flow.


Wednesday we mostly just did laundry and rested after a LOT of travel.

And Thursday it was back to real life.

Rod went back to work.

I went back to work at the Town, the Building Department Clerk is out sick and has been since the day after we left for vacation so they were in a PANIC to have me back and help get caught up... additionally the Town Manager is National Guard and he got deployed to the border in Texas for a YEAR and Thursday was his last day before deployment.

I ended up working 6.5 hours to help them get back up to speed. I also had a Zoom meeting with my teaching team at 1:30, so I put on my earbuds and listened/watched while I was inputting Building Permits and Inspections.

When I got off work I headed home and changed into my Zoom "uniform" and taught the 6-9 pm New Recruit Orientation zoom workshop.

Rod has gone back to working part time at FIT Aviation again, so he goes in to Embraer in the morning, works his normal hours there and drives across the airport to the school and works with his brother, Scott for 4 hours or so in the late afternoon/evening. 

Friday morning he got up to get ready for work and Kyle saw the light, so he got up too. Kyle had a RAGING sore throat. (Sinus infection - likely from re-breathing his own germs while wearing a mask in the airplane...) So I got up too... we had him gargle with warm salt water (since we are out of lemon juice - and honey makes his throat burn on a regular day... didn't think MORE burning would feel better... lol). And then he started my regime of 3 Oil of Oregano and 3 D3 capsules every 3 hours.

Rod left for work and Kyle hung out in my room while we waited for the sun to come up.

After taking care of the animals, I headed into the ZoomRoom for the 9-1 review class.

As soon as that was over, I headed into town to Sams to pick up lemon juice and some other misc. groceries and then over to Tractor Supply to refill the cow and horse feed bins.

Home to dump the feed and then I drove over with Kyle to Ring Power to pick up his latest tool/toy.

This is called a Mulcher Head.
He has a job lined up for this morning to clear an acre or so for the other ward's Bishop.
He was a bit surprised at how HEAVY it was...

But he got it successfully loaded on the trailer.
He decided he's going to try loading it front first next time.
There is a pretty big tipping point and its scary when you are
going backwards and you can't see where you are going...
(Shhh, don't say anything, but blogger is suddenly working!)

Anyhow. I had to teach again from 5:30 to 10:15.
But Kyle called Rick and Chris, our neighbors to the south.
They have been wanting him to clear a portion of their back
property for a year or more, so he let them know he had the
machine that would do it and they asked him to come over
and just clear the outer edges.

He was happy to have an opportunity to try the machine before
going over to do the BIG job (with an audience...)

I'll walk over later and see if I can get a picture of what he cleared.
He took one, but didn't send it to me.
And he and Rod have gone to the job site.
I've been on the computer all morning doing the admin stuff
for the 3 classes I just taught.

Time to clean the kitchen, do the laundry, and maybe drive
over and check on the guys...
Oh, Kyle's throat is feeling better, his neck and shoulders were
super stiff so I massaged some magnesium into them this morning.
Hopefully it helped.

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