Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Dishwasher Yes or No?

 I've been hand washing my dishes.
It was kind of driving me crazy that I could
wash a sink full of dishes in 20 minutes
or let my dishwasher run for over an hour.

But all of a sudden a week or so ago...
I decided I was done hand washing dishes.


And now I'm totally fine with the machine
taking over an hour!

I know, silly eh?
But suddenly it just doesn't bother me!


And yes, the dishwasher IS running... 

This is one of my weekly quick chores.
The pill bottles on the left are mine, 
the ones on the right are for Rod.
We mostly take the same things, but when Rod
gets up and eats breakfast (at o-dark:30...)
he needs quick and easy.
So I divvy out our pills each week.

And here they are, all ready for the week!

Wanna see how fast the pole beans tendrils grow?
This is 9:00 in the morning.

This is 7:00 that same evening!

Now if everything ELSE in this garden would
grow this fast!
Not that we are impatient or anything..... Hahaha.

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