Monday, February 22, 2021

Fun Weekend

 We had lots of fun (and work) over the weekend.

The guys went on a couple of possible
job quotes and then they worked on the
new cow scales for a bit.

Rod found this online for under $200!
(Linda's was ... add a zero!)

All they had to do was build a platform for the
cows (and horses, dogs, humans...) to step on.

They set it up in the garage to start.
And then they will move it out into the
mini-facility out back next week when we
are ready to weigh the cows and make a 
decision about butcher dates.
The dogs had a good time getting weighed.

The screen thingie looks simple to use.
(That's not a scratch, its a wrinkle in the shrink wrap)

And then it was the annual Silver Spurs Rodeo!

There was a HUGE crowd!
They advertised there would be limited seating.
But I think a lot of these people were just looking for
ANYTHING to get them out of the house.
They were the quietest rodeo crowd I've even seen!

At one point, I swear Kyle and I were the only people clapping.

Until barrel racing and bull riding.
And then they came alive a bit more.
But sheesh!
The poor competitors in the Calf Roping and 
Bulldogging - it was like a funeral in there!
And the darn steers in the bulldogging had the game
figured out.
They BLASTED out of the chute, ran like 4 strides,
What a bummer for the cowboys!!!!

The bucking horses were feisty.
It was some good rodeo-ing.

(This is our favorite place to sit... right above the
bulldogging/calf roping pens/chutes...)

And, of course, there was some incredible bull riding.

This was AFTER the rodeo was over and all the people
had gone home.
We always wait because getting out of the parking field
is a nightmare.
Too many people who drank too much beer.

After everybody left, they did a couple of re-rides
and this guy had an amazing ride.

Scored an 87!
Stay until the "real" end.

Sunday we did Zoom church.
And then I put on a couple of my favorite CFM
YouTubers for those who wanted to watch
while I cooked some lunch and got dinner going.

Then in the evening I did our Stake Primary 
Annual Training Zoom.
I taught a mini class (like 5 minutes!) on what to do
with the Junior Primary classes.
Basically - make a quick YouTube - tell a story,
show some pictures, whatever and send them an 
email to come watch!

It turned out well - we had 28 people on there.
Pretty good for our little stake!

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Hey do you record your zoom stuff? Do you have a copy of your primary one?