I just finished my final class for this week.
The morning sessions have fewer students...
but these days I just teach to myself.
(I keep my camera open so I can see myself
and pretend I'm a student... lol)
Yesterday I called our beef butcher.
They are STILL swamped!
The soonest I could get an appointment
is AUGUST 24!!!
So we will be taking them that morning.
We weighed them the other day on our new
scales in our fancy new Kyle Exclusive Facility...
Baldy is just over 1200 pounds.
The Red's are just over 1100.
So in another 3 months they should put on
a bit more weight and be closer to 1300 or 1400.
At least that's my guess.
Rod already has 6 quarters sold and he hasn't
even reached out to anybody yet!
(I made an appointment for 2 beeves...
we'll see, the plan was to do 1 at a time...)
We were going to hop in the truck and make
a run to the feed mill and get this month's feed,
but it's the first day of the Memorial Day weekend.
Kyle just got back from a job 30 miles up the highway
and he said traffic is already HORENDOUS.
So we're going to the beach instead.
I'm pretty sure I've got enough feed to make
it to Wednesday morning.
(I'm teaching the evening sessions next week
plus working at the Town on Tuesday...)
And Kyle 1st degree burned all the fingers on
his left hand grabbing a piece of wire he ran over
with his mulcher - it got wrapped around the head
and he just grabbed it to pull it off.
He's done it a thousand times before.
But this time it was HOT!
(And then the guy shook his hand when they were done...)
Poor guy.
Random beach picture.
Because I hate doing blogs without a picture...