Friday, May 21, 2021

Friday Friday!

 The weeks when I teach every day are LONG.
I worked at the town during the day and
then taught until 9:00 last night.
I had some good students though...

I'm tired today.

This morning I went out to feed the animals.
Kyle finished fixing the new concrete floor
under the weigh scales yesterday!

It looks great!
Got the walls all up again...
so while the steers were eating their breakfast
I opened all the gates so they could walk through again.
We like to have them go through the alley after
breakfast so they get comfortable walking
in there, so when we want to weigh them,
it's not a "thing".

I sat in a chair in the little enclosure
(we are going to call it the "orchard"... lol).
We have 4 new little loquat trees as well
as the mango.
Anyhow, I sat in there and kept an eye on them.
Little Red stood on the scales for awhile
and marveled at how tall he was...

And then he followed Big Red out.
(Big Red is the dark one and strangely the
smallest of the herd, but "looks" big... lol.)

He is also quite nosey.

I moved my chair over a bit.
Didn't want him licking my iPad.
(or me... ewww!)

Monkey see, monkey (steer) do...
Little Red has BIG ears!
Way bigger than the other steers ears!

Baldy is the shy one in the group, so it took him a little longer
to get up the nerve to try out the new ramp leading
up to the scales, but once he got brave enough
he rushed on over it.
Too fast for me to take a picture.

They will be all comfortable with it soon though.

Meanwhile, Kyle is on a job and I'm heading
out to get some groceries and then do the 
weekly freezer stock up.
Can't have a hungry family!

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