Thursday, August 19, 2021


 So Much Meat!

(All loaded up in the UHaul we rented for the trip...)

We drove up to our meat processor.
(sounds better than slaughter house...)

They are SUCH nice people.
An old family business.
The lady who ran the business passed away.
The one who took over for her and who we 
worked with for the past couple of years
just retired in June.
The son (66) who has stepped into the
position of chief butcher hired his wife
to take over the back office.
She is REALLY organized.
And really nice.

They had it all nicely boxed and identified.
All we did was unload it into the kitchen,
weigh the boxes (so we knew we were giving
everybody the # we had promised... never
want to under deliver!)

And then wait for folks to come and get it!
(We had already dropped one share off on
the way back home, so if you add the 130 pounds
on that one, that's 1007 pounds of fresh,
backyard, homegrown, grain fed beef.


This was mid-delivery.
Our's is in our chest freezer,
and we have 2 more quarters in our spare
freezers in the tack room waiting for
their people to come get them tomorrow.

Sunday we get to start the process all over again.
We are running our final steer up to "freezer camp"
and will go back to pick up the boxes in a couple
of weeks.

And then it's just... watch the little guys grow!

Eat up guys!

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