Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Water Water Everywhere!

 We are having a "cold" front.
It brought lots of rain along with it.

There is a LAKE outside of the barn.

The ducks are LOVING it!
They were swimming around,
quacking happily.

The horses weren't nearly as amused.

This morning it took 6 tries to get CJ out of the barn.
Every time I would get near him to put a
rope around his neck, he ran back into the barn.
He did NOT want to have to walk through
that giant water puddle/lake to 
get out to the pasture.

Silly boy.
(He doesn't like water... big horse / bigger pansy.)

He eventually left.
Meanwhile, Buddy just sloshed on out.

I'm sure the new grass out back is very happy.
I don't know.
I don't want to walk through the lake either.

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