Thursday, March 31, 2022

Tucson, Day 3

 Don't ask me what we did yesterday....

Um, Mom and I worked on a lap blanket
(knit) for the local hospice center.
And we went to Kurt and Michelle's 
for pizza dinner.
And we checked out Rozann and Greg's 
fantastic new master bedroom
(in progress...)
And we did a LOT of visiting.

Today we got Soni on her zoom conference
and then went over to Nancy's for a bit.
Then over town to see Michelle's new
(hopefully) location for her little store,
and then had a wonderful lunch at a 
cafe across the street.
Then over to Mom and Dad's.
Soni stayed and visited with Dad and Mom
and I went to the grocery store to get some
groceries, and then we came home and 
we three women sat on the couch and looked
at old photo albums from when they were first
married and the births of all 5 kids.
We were CUTE!

And then it was back over to Nancy's for a 
wonderful spaghetti dinner (Mom),
green salad (Mom & Nancy)
a big bowl of fresh fruit salad (Rozann & Greg)
and a banana cream pie. (Mom)
Soni and I were supposed to make the salad,
but when we got to the casita Soni needed
to make a phone call and I took a short break
and did some Zoom work with a couple of 
students. (what vacation? lol)

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Tucson Day 1 - The Adventure Begins

 The day started EARLY.
My alarm went off at 6.
And considering I generally get up at 8-ish,
that is considered early.
(Stay tuned… this is a vacation FULL of
early mornings…)

Kyle drove me uneventfully to the airport.
We got there nice and early - 8:15 for
my 11:30 flight.
Just as I was standing in the line at TSA I
got a notification that my flight was bumped
to 2:00 pm to Dallas.

Which means I miss my connecting flight.
Honestly, I pulled out my phone and checked out
flights with SouthWest. I could MAYBE make
one at 9:50, but it was a gamble.
So I stayed in line and once through TSA
(Not my best performance, forgot my phone
was in my back pocket…)
I headed to Special Services, where she got me on
my FIRST ever Stand-by flight.
I’ve never done that before!
It was exciting!

I sat next to a man who helped me with my bag
(I usually put it under the seat, but there was
room in the overhead bin, so why not…)
And then he immediately put his chin on his chest
and spent the majority of the flight sleeping.
I caught a quick nap and then read a book.
(Middle seat)

Landed in Dallas ahead of schedule and proceeded
to gate B5. And then was looking for some lunch
when I got a notification that my gate changed to D31.

Found the Skyline and headed to terminal D.
Found a McDonalds (another first - I haven’t eaten
McD in over 2 years! Used to eat breakfast there
on my way to school back when I was teaching live…)
It’s just like I remembered. But filling.

And here I sit, waiting for my flight to leave in about an hour.

So that’s the latest…
Stay tuned!

Monday, March 28, 2022

Getting Excited!

 I'm getting excited!

Getting ready for my annual trip to see the Fam!

Ok, I haven't ACTUALLY packed yet...
But I did the laundry,
and I'm THINKING about what to pack...
And I'm cooking food for Rod and Kyle while I'm gone...

So there's that.

I have a gazillion things to do today.
Gotta run to the post office
and then to the grocery store for
a couple of last minute things.
And then... oh yah, PACK.

Also transplant some okra plants in the garden.
And I'm sure there is other stuff
I'm forgetting...
But that's the main things.

I colored my hair yesterday.
I'd like a trim, but that will have to wait.
I paid all the bills this morning,
and I'm getting my work stuff organized.
OH YEAH, I'm supposed to go to the office
and submit a couple of reports
as well as my time sheet.

Counting the hours!

Saturday, March 26, 2022


 The guys are off to a job.
And an estimate for another one.

I'm getting ready to start my morning zoom.

Beau is sitting in his chair getting ready for a snooze,

The horses are still in the barn.
(But I'll turn them out in a minute)
The dogs are in their yard.

There is quinoa in the pressure cooker
getting ready for my breakfast.

All is right with the world.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Never a Dull Moment

 Yesterday after teaching, we took Beau to the vet.
The tranquilizer didn't work.
And his ears aren't getting better.
So they put some "gel" antibiotic in his ears
and gave me a prescription for Ace (horse tranquilizer)
for our next visit.
Which will be while I'm out of town.
So Kyle gets to go it alone...

When we got home we dropped the dog off
and then went to Lowe's to get some stuff
to fix the door handle on Kyle's car.

On the way home Coach Rosalie texted she
was having trouble with her Zoom again,
but by the time I got to the house and on the
computer, she seemed to be fine.

About 7:45 while we were waiting for the horses to eat their
dinner, we were watch TV in the living room and
I heard a man's voice say "Hi".
We both thought it was Rod.
Weird he came home early and
didn't just come in the house.

Turns out it was a neighbor, Fred, 
who lives down the road. 
He was standing outside the front (screen) door.
Kyle worked for them feeding and mucking
and doing general barn yard stuff back when he was
in home school / high school. (14 years ago...)

He wanted to know if we knew anybody with a
backhoe, one of his boarder's horses just died and
they needed to bury it.
We don't have a backhoe, but Kyle is pretty amazing
at making his Cat do stuff it wasn't designed for.
So he swapped out his mulcher head for some forks
and a bucket and we headed down there.

In the dark.

He dug the hole and I managed the sad people.

Once the hole was dug I told everyone to say their
final goodbyes and head back up to the barn.
NOBODY needs to see their horse being dragged
to a hole. And of course, once we got it in the hole
it landed on its back with all 4 feet sticking straight
up in the air. Had to figure out a way to roll it 
over - while it is in the bottom of a deep hole
that is filling with water.
(Welcome to Florida!)

But we got it done, Kyle got the hole all 
filled in again and smoothed out.
And the young son of the sad lady planted
a flower in the dirt.

And then the skies opened up and it poured rain.

Fred was very appreciative and wants to talk
to Kyle about some clearing / mulching he needs
done on the back of his property.
So that was good.
And we were able to help a neighbor in need.
And that's always good.

No pictures.
You're welcome.

Gratuitous picture from the rodeo cuz there has to be SOMETHING...
and it was KIND of like a rodeo.....

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Keeping Busy

 Yesterday Kyle put down some fertilizer
on the pastures for us.
We have closed them up until after it rains.
In the meantime, we have LOTS of hay.
(And only little tiny bits of winter grass...)

It's supposed to rain tomorrow.
Although I'm looking out my
Zoom Room window (just ended class)
and the wind is WHIPPING!
But the sun is shining... so maybe it
will hold off until tomorrow.

We are going to give Beau a little
tranquilizer pill (after his bath)
and take him to the vet for his final (hopefully)
ear infection follow up.
Last week he tried to bite everybody.
So this week he gets to be sleepy.
(And Kyle is coming too...)


That's what's on tap for today.
Plus thinking about packing.
Although it's early for me....

(Not really, but its sitting here on my desk,
looking pretty tasty!)
I'm going to heat up some lentil soup.
And then its on to the next thing!

Monday, March 21, 2022

See The Garden Grow!

 I was teaching class this morning and
we took our usual break for 10 minutes.

I decided to go outside and check the garden.
I haven't been out there in a few days.

Saturday I "double dipped".
Taught both the morning and the evening.
And Sunday I was whipped.

We have tomatoes!!!
These little black beauties take FOREVER 
to get ripe, but when they do, BOY HOWDY!
They are so delicious.
The plants (we bought two little twigs)
are totally taking off!

And we have a strawberry!
And (shhh) nobody has seen it yet!
(usually there's a chomp out of the bottom...)

And dill!!
(But no cucumbers...)
And beans growing in the beds you see in the fore and
backgrounds... LOTS of bean plants this time around!

The rattlesnakes are beginning their journey up (and
eventually OVER) the tunnel.
And the purple potatoes in the background are looking
good and healthy.
We bought a new fertilizer this year and I guess
everybody REALLY liked it!

We're excited for these potatoes!

a random flower.
(And her little sister)
Growing in the middle of the lawn.
So Kyle carefully mows around them.
We think its hilarious!

Friday, March 18, 2022

Full Moon

 Yup, it's a FULL moon,

I just caught a glimpse of it, rising over the trees.

And, of course, when there is a full moon,
people (and animals) act stupid.

Kyle texted me this picture at work yesterday.

Yes, that is a steer.
He is wedged sideways in the alley
leading up to the scales.

He wedged his head (lower left) UNDER the
bottom board on the fence.
And could NOT get out.
(Probably trying to get to the grass 
on the other side... always greener and all that...)

He also has a leg over one of the boards.

And, of course, the boards are screwed in on the
INSIDE of the chute so they can't just
push through them.

But that meant he had to get IN there to remove the
board and free the goof ball.

Luckily BK (Black Kow) is fairly mellow
and super shy so he didn't try to ram into Kyle
once he was free...
(And yes, we closed the gate so this can't 
happen again!)

Oh the joys of farm life.
And a full moon!

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Purple Potatoes

 Last year we grew a bunch of purple potatoes.
But they were kind of tiny.
I put them in the drawer in the pantry fridge.
I rarely open that drawer.

I forgot all about them.
(We had mashed purple potatoes a couple of times...)

Kyle found them the other day and planted them.

And they are coming up!!!!!

He is teeny tiny, but has lots of buddies.
Kyle did two beds.
We are hoping for a bumper crop of
yummy purple potatoes!!!

And yea for okra plants!!!
I did two beds and I'm going to go to the store
today and get more.
The three beds of pintos I planted did NOTHING.
So I'm going to do okra instead.
We are going to experiment with planting them
with LOTS of space around them and see
if I get a better yield from less plants.
(These that are coming up are WAAAAAY too close,
but after the pinto mis-hap I decided to plant heavy
and then we will thin them...)

YEA for "spring".

Monday, March 14, 2022


 Today is Nancy's birthday!!!!

If I do the math right
(and I rarely do...)
this is a big one...

We all got together last August to celebrate Dad's big birthday.
Nancy and Reid were both fighting being sick,
so I didn't get to see as much of her as I would have liked,
and we didn't take ANY pictures!!!!!
(I'm so bad at that.)
(I'm heading out again in 2 weeks.

She'll kill me for this one.
Because she isn't grinning so much as gritting her teeth.
But at least I cropped out the rest!

And here is her partner in "gritting / grinning".
They are so cute!
(And STRONG!!!)

But she is strong in more than just her muscles.
She has amazing strength of character.
She knows what she believes and she lives it.
She knows what she loves and fights for it.
She knows WHO she loves and fights for them.
She knows who SHE is and has finally learned to
fight for herself!!!
She is strong in her beliefs.
She is strong in her love.
She is strong in her family ties.
She is strong in her fight for others.

And yet with all that strength, she has incredible softness.
She finds joy in the simple things each day.

She IS the feathers she so loves.
(And draws so well!)
Soft, pliable, beautiful.
Yet able to lift to greater and greater heights.

And she is my big sister.
I love you Nanc!
Happy Birthday!

Friday, March 11, 2022

Beau Boo Hoo

 Yesterday morning Beau was happy as a clam.
Bouncing around and smiling
and trying to not let me catch him.
(I had to work at the Town and Kyle has a big
job he is doing down in Vero...)
Beau knows when I put on EARRINGS I'm 
probably teaching and he runs and gets in
his special chair in the zoom room.

But if I put on long pants and SHOES and earrings
then I'm going OUT and he's going to have to
go into the garage in his crate.
So it's a dance.
Catch me... catch me....
and then I put on my serious "Lady" voice
and he just goes.
But he has fun pretending he doesn't have to.

When I got home from work, I let him out
into the back to run while I brought my stuff
inside the house. And when he returned I was
pretty sure he had rolled in something dead.
(A fairly common occurrence around here...)

P. U.!!!!!!

But then I realized he didn't roll in something stinky.
HE was the something stinky.
His right ear was red and draining.
And WOW! Stink-meister!

When Kyle got home we cleaned his ear out really well,
and then had to put his "cone of shame" on so he
wouldn't keep scratching.

He "loves" it.
Poor guy.

Trying to drink.
Poor guy.
We took it off and let him get a drink.
And then put it on and sent him to his crate.
Cuz WOW!
He was still REALLY stinky.
But when he got up this morning and I took
off his cone, he didn't try to scratch at all,
so I left it off.

This morning I called and got a vet appointment at 9:00.
On the phone they said they would need a urine sample.

When we got into the room the tech said
"So he's here today because he has some urine problems?"
Uh, no.
He has an EAR infection.

Ear / urine... ok.
So thankfully no sample needed.
But he does, in fact, have a 
nicely infected ear.

MANY dollars and 5 prescriptions later...
He gets steroid pills as well as antibiotics and 
a pain med, an ointment and an ear flush
for 21 days.
(I accidentally typed years... lol!)

He took his pills like a good boy.
(Wrapped in peanut butter)
(sometimes its a good thing he doesn't chew
he just swallows the good stuff whole.)

And now he is sleeping in his special chair.
Poor guy.

Monday, March 7, 2022

Stake Primary Activity

 It went well.
People seemed to have a good time.

The kids made LOTS of noise,
which is usually a sign of having fun.

This was our poster in the foyer.
And then there were little rainbow
signs with arrows showing the way
to the correct door in the cultural hall.
I forgot to take ANY pictures.
So these are all from others...

Once they arrived in the cultural hall,
we had the 5 missionaries helping them
by writing their name on a name tag
and sticking it on their shirts.

I made 100 name tags, each with a colored
puffy sticker animal.
4 colors.
4 groups.
4 rooms.

Once everyone had a name tag we had them
break into their color coded groups and
follow their color coded leader.
(I was the "green" leader / room.)

There were signs on the rooms we were using
with Room 1, 2, 3 or 4.

In one room they were to build an ark
and they talked about things you could put
in your ark that would help you or harm you.
(reading scripture, going to Primary, telling lies... etc.)

I had LOTS of left over little stickers so they
covered their sails with stickers and decorative tape.

I was the next room where we talked about being Noah,
but mostly about being Noah's KIDS.
(Ham, Shem and Japheth - a VERY fun name to say...)
We talked about what it would be like to build 
the ark while all your friends and neighbors were
teasing and bullying.
And then filling it with food.
And then living with all those animals!!!
Their favorite part was when I had them each pick
an animal and its sound and then I let them all
make their animal sound TOGETHER for a few seconds.
It was noisy!

I was amazed at the insight these kids had.
For example:
Why didn't the lions eat the rabbits?
In each group at least one kid came up with
"I think Heavenly Father made them be friends."
or some variation on that theme.

We only spent 15 minutes in each room and then
they switched and we got a new colored group, so there
wasn't enough time to do all the stuff I wanted.
I brought a prism to show them how it makes
a rainbow but only showed it to one group because
one of the boys knew I had it and asked about it.

The next room was a "Bug" room where they
did something relating to bugs.
I have NO idea what they did, but it
had to do with a big bag of plastic bugs I bought
and they pulled one out of a bag and then...
did something with it...

And finally we had the missionaries in a room
where they did the fishing game with poles and
magnets and fish with paper clips and they
caught a fish and there was a challenge on it...
but again, I wasn't involved so no idea what they did.

When we had done all 4 of the rooms 
(repeat 4 times.... each time was DIFFERENT
depending on the age group, and how they
we fed them lunch.

Thankfully the Primary Presidency from one of the wards
was BRILLIANT and took over the actual distribution
of the lunches - they had the line thread in one door and
out the other through the bug room (set up kind of like
a museum) and then back in another door and out the
other while passing by the kitchen window to get
their sandwich, bag of chips, cookie and bottle of water.
As they passed down the hall back to the cultural hall,
there was a station to add tomatoes or lettuce to
your plate and small condiment packets.

And someone else had re-set the chairs into long,
snaking lines that sort of made groups without being a group.
Like giant "S" that looped around the end. So everyone
was together but not.
The kids mostly sat on the floor (wood) and the parents
sat on the chairs and based on the noise level
everyone had a good time.

When the kids were done eating, we had little 
tables set up around the edges with memory games
and pages to color (and crayons) and some little
tube things to crawl through (used in the bug room
originally... no idea why/how...)

And then they left.

And we cleaned up.
(with lots of help)
And then I took a nap.

Lots of positive feed-back afterwards and on
Sunday - lots wanting to know when we were
going to do it AGAIN!
(Next March????? lol)

Friday, March 4, 2022


 Remember this?

I was so excited the beans were coming up.
And then realized you couldn't see them...

But NOW!!!!

Look at them all!
So exciting!

I just finished teaching my Friday morning class,
and now I need to go get ready for our
Stake Primary Activity tomorrow.

Yes, get ready.
Like, no, it's NOT ready.
I have ordered some stuff
and thought a bit (ok, until 2:00 last night,
laying in bed imagining what I would say / do...)
but I am NOT ready....

I need to get name tags ready.
And organize the memory game.
And print coloring papers.
And buy crayons.
And probably some other stuff.

Fingers crossed.
Me. And a LOT of little kids.
Not my very best situation.
It'll be fine.
But I'm nervous / not excited.

The theme is "Gather Like Noah" and I will
be focusing on "doing hard things".
Like a Stake Primary Activity...

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Reach For The Stars

 Do you remember the lovely bonus
I got earlier this year that helped
us be able to afford our freeze dryer?

I got this in the mail yesterday.

A banner to hang in my "classroom"
to let all the world know I was the
#1 Licensing Coach in Florida
for 2021!
Pretty nifty!

And this morning someone else was
reaching for the stars...

I never get tired of watching rockets launch from the Cape!

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Baby Beans

 It's so fun when the garden starts to grow!!!

The rattlesnake beans I planted last week
are all coming up!

I was a little nervous because these
are seeds we saved!
So we didn't even have to buy them!

The slenderettes are just starting to pop up.
They will be bigger and more
bean-ish tomorrow,
but I was excited to see them.
These are left over seeds from last year.

Then I expect in the next few days the
pintos and black eyed peas will begin
to make their presence known.

I planted three more beds of pintos today.
That's about all I can do in one session.
My back hurts too bad if I do too many more.

I still have 2 more beds to put  .... 
probably more black eyed peas.
I think I'm pretty well out of pinto seeds.
And then there are 2 beds for okra
and 2 for purple potatoes.

And that will be IT!
(Well, until the strawberries we ordered
arrive - along with some raspberry canes...)

Spring is sprung-ing...!