Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Purple Potatoes

 Last year we grew a bunch of purple potatoes.
But they were kind of tiny.
I put them in the drawer in the pantry fridge.
I rarely open that drawer.

I forgot all about them.
(We had mashed purple potatoes a couple of times...)

Kyle found them the other day and planted them.

And they are coming up!!!!!

He is teeny tiny, but has lots of buddies.
Kyle did two beds.
We are hoping for a bumper crop of
yummy purple potatoes!!!

And yea for okra plants!!!
I did two beds and I'm going to go to the store
today and get more.
The three beds of pintos I planted did NOTHING.
So I'm going to do okra instead.
We are going to experiment with planting them
with LOTS of space around them and see
if I get a better yield from less plants.
(These that are coming up are WAAAAAY too close,
but after the pinto mis-hap I decided to plant heavy
and then we will thin them...)

YEA for "spring".

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Love your Garden!!