Monday, May 30, 2022


 Happy Memorial Day!

This post would make more sense if I did it right.
But I didn't.
But whatever.... lol.

I found a neat graphic online on how
to pick a good watermellon.

So today at the grocery store,
I bought one.
(Since they were $4.48 instead of $6.52!)

However, the guys were upstate doing a 
job all day and then by the time they
got home I was teaching.

So I haven't cut it open.
So I don't know if I did well.

But I tried.

Sunday, May 29, 2022


 I guess if we are going to be serious
about this farming thing, we are
going to need the correct tools.

In the past we have borrowed the neighbor's,
but never a borrower nor a lender be.....


Last week Kyle and I took his big truck 
over to a town called Lake Wales in the center
of the state to my favorite farm store.

It's called Rural King and beats the socks 
off of our local (or any) Tractor Supply.

We went to pick up a new tiller!

He will hook it up behind the tractor and
we will be able to till up the pastures and
re-seed them with... whatever.
The back back pasture is already re-seeded in
a good grass seed - but it will take a year for it
to be ready for grazing.
Kyle did a couple of his pastures at the ranch
and they looked awful.
Until the next season when there was grass
up to your knees!!!
Finger crossed!
So that pasture is closed until then.

OH! and on that trip his odometer turned over to 5000 miles!
It's really hard to get a picture of that when you
are driving on country highways.


The middle back pasture right now is just some
nasty grass and weeds.
Once our new seed order arrives, we will be tilling
it and putting it in sunn hemp.
That was such a fun crop and it grows SO FAST!
It's high protein, so we will grow it for 5-6 weeks,
put the cows on it for a few hours every day for
a couple of weeks, and then mulch and till it back 
under and do the whole process over again.
It also does a great job of reconditioning the soil.
Always a good idea.
Fingers crossed!!!

I'm also thinking about tilling the little section
next to the duck pen, fencing it off (with coral
panels so it is moveable) and planting it
in moringa trees. A little orchard.
The cows LOVE it and it is also a high
protein, fast growing plant.
It froze back in February, grew as tall
as the fence by the end of march but then
kind of stopped growing.
Until I realized the cows were reaching over
the top of the fence and EATING IT!
(which is why it never got taller than the fence!)
We put a panel up so they couldn't get to it
and in the next month it grew nearly 4 more feet!

I "think" I still have a bunch of seeds,
but if I don't I can order some.
Moringa is a "superfood" so we might also
dry some of the leaves and grind them up
for us - but we'll see. Right now I'm buying
a supplement that has a bunch of stuff including
moringa - but maybe one day when I have 
some extra time.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Bye Bye Bear

 Unfortunately, Bear didn't make the cut.

She is a sweet dog, but spent all her time
looking AWAY from the humans.
(And chasing the chickens and ducks... a NO NO!)
She was sweet as could be,
but just wasn't interested in humans unless
there was seriously NOTHING else going on.

We were absolutely LAST on her list.
And the idea was for her to be a companion dog
for Kyle and for him to be able to take her
on walks out in the woods, hopefully off leash.

That was NEVER going to happen.
She just didn't really like people all that much
and would kind of prefer you didn't pet her.
She was happy to be with you.
Her favorite place to lay was under your chair
or on your feet.
But if she wasn't laying down, then don't bug her.
Don't touch her, don't expect anything from her
and certainly don't get in her way if she
was after something.
She ran over the other dogs on a regular basis
and knocked Kyle right on his behind when she
was chasing a chicken.
Didn't even register he was standing there.

When you adopt from the pound, you have only
30 days trial period.
After that, there's nothing you can do.
They do NOT take animals any more since they
are a no-kill shelter.
Once (if) there is an opening then there is a wait
list for pets that people want to give up.
But the wait list is longer than your pet's life.
And we were coming up on the 30 day limit.
So this morning we made the hard decision
to give her back and hope she could find another
family she would fit better with.

I wrote a long email telling them all the ways she had
improved in the time we had her and all the ways
she might be an asset to another family
and exactly why she didn't fit our's.
They didn't ask when we turned her in - they came,
got her paperwork and said, so what's wrong... I said
we have to turn her back because she can't stop chasing
the chickens, the lady said ok and walked away.
I assumed she would come back for us to complete some
paperwork and tell her exactly what the situation was
but we never saw her again.
Instead a grumpy young man came into the room,
said nothing, just took off her leash and collar,
put a rope around her neck, tossed a "have a nice day"
in our general direction and left with the dog.

So THAT was part of why I sent the email.
Pretty much unacceptable... you would think they would
want to know more about the dog to help them
place her with the right forever family going forward.
Or maybe not.


She was a nice dog.
But she's gone.

(Notice the trailer in the background?)

Bottom right corner.....

We made that sticker!!!
(And a hundred billion just like it...)
Those little dust puffs are a pain in the neck!

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Sweet Things

 This morning for breakfast I made Rod
some scrambled eggs and some 
hamburger bun toast with some of the
yummy raw honey Mom sent for Christmas.

And yesterday morning when Kyle and I went out
to the garden to harvest the onions,
look what we found???

Baby bunnies!
Kyle caught one and we relocated it to
the front yard under the bougainvillea.
But I didn't have my phone in my pocket.
Then we headed back out there and low and
behold, there were TWO MORE!
So we each caught one.

They were also relocated to the front yard.
There is quite a colony of bunnies out there,
so hopefully they will be happy.

But let it be known.
Farmer McGregor does NOT welcome Peter or
any of his brothers or sisters in his garden!!!

Monday, May 23, 2022

New Faucet

 On Saturday my darling husband bought us a
new kitchen faucet and installed it while
I was "double dipping". (teaching both
the morning and evening classes...)

And now I have a fancy faucet like my sisters!
And my goodness, the water pressure is awesome!

He had it half installed when he discovered
one of the parts was broken,
so he had to take it back and get another 
one, so it ended up being a much bigger project
than he had originally planned,
but isn't that always the way?

I am so grateful he takes such good care of me!

Thank you dear!
I love it.
And I love YOU!

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Chicken Pot Pie

 In between all the other stuff I'm doing these days
I made a (from scratch!) chicken pot pie.
Well, not the pie crust - I used a Pillsbury one...
But still.

(Before it was baked)

And I also cleaned the freeze dryer 
(the last load had raw eggs so its a good
idea to clean it with some rubbing alcohol)
and then re-loaded it with 5 trays of
mixed veggies.
(They are SO yummy! The corn and
carrots are really sweet like candy!)

(Quite yummy!)

And then I cooked up 5 pounds of ground 
beef (in the pressure cooker to get as much
of the fat off as I could...) and some chicken
and that went into the freezer for 24 hours
and then it will be the next load.

Plus I taught BOTH the morning and evening 
classes (5 hours each with admin time)
and worked on an admin problem with the other
zoom instructors
and washed the sheets on the bed.

I think that's enough.
And now?

Monday, May 16, 2022

Eggs, Blood and Busy-Ness.

 Well, we have LOTS of eggs.

We are taking a break from making our
own dog food - they are taking a break
from eating it!
So we bought a bag of dry.

But, since we aren't making our own
AND its spring, a time when the chickens
are in FULL production,
we have a LOT of eggs.

We took 2 dozen over to a member's house
yesterday - they invited us over for dinner
along with another family and a gazillion
young men. (They have 6 kids, 1 away at
college, 3 teens and a couple younger ones.)
(And I'm pretty sure it was also the entire
Priest's quorum as well...)
I figure they eat a LOT of eggs and
I have a LOT of eggs... so... voila!

Then we also put 3 dozen into the freeze dryer.
Along with a couple of trays of apple sauce.
I want to do 5 trays of already cooked chicken,
but I didn't have enough to fill 5 trays
so I did the other instead.

We are doing a "pantry challenge" this week.
Eating out of the pantry / fridge / freezer.
I made Rhodes rolls (from the freezer),
salad (from the fridge)
cheesecake with blueberry topping
(from the fridge and freezer) 
to take to dinner last night.
It was very satisfying!


The new girls are loving their new coop.
I just pulled 2 eggs out.
There are only 4 girls in there right now
because that was all we could catch
the other evening before the roosters
got all riled up and I was worried about
getting attacked.
It doesn't take much to make me bleed.


This is a "scratch" from Kyle's new dog, Bear.
I've been putting Bountiful Balm on it
and it was looking really good yesterday.
But it was getting itchy as it was healing
and I guess while I wasn't paying attention,
I rubbed it.
And broke it open.
More salve and it was looking really good
this morning.
And then Kyle and I went to Tractor Supply
and got 100# of Buddy's feed and 40# of
rice bran to help him with gaining weight.

While dumping one of the bags into the 
garbage can, I must have popped it open again.

I'll clean it up (again) and cover it in salve (again)
and it will look really good tomorrow.
Maybe a bandaid would be in order????

I now have an officially called Secretary.
That's all.
I have submitted names for Counselors
and teachers but no final word on them yet.

And this week I am "double dipping".
Both of my instructors needed this week off,
so I'm teaching both the morning AND the evening
zoom classes this week.
Plus working at the town on Tues & Thurs.
Plus I'll probably teach the RS lesson this week
since I don't know who all has been called to
do what this week and don't want to rock that boat...

So... long story short (ish) there may NOT be
a ton of blog posts this week.
And I need to run over to the eye glasses place
and have them do something about my new glasses.
I have to squint to see out of them.
They are better than nothing, but not $235 worth of better.
Everything is still blurry and out of focus.
So... tweaking is necessary.

Hope you are having a good week!
We went out on the patio last night and
watched the lunar eclipse until the mosquitoes
discovered we were out there and tried
to drink my (readily available) blood.
It was really pretty!

Friday, May 13, 2022

New Coop

 With all the things going on these days
we are a little worried about 
being able to source chicken at an
affordable price in the future.

So.... Kyle and I were thinking about
getting some cornish cross chicks
and raising our own meat chickens.
We did it once before, years ago,
but I was working 2 jobs and just
didn't have enough time for
that particular project again.

We have been considering putting
the chickens in a "tractor"
basically a moveable coop that
you put out in the pasture and
move every day.

Brock had his chickens in tractors
for a couple of years when Kyle
worked over there and you could
really SEE the difference in his
pastures. Where the coop was
recently, the grass was bright green
and vibrant.


Kyle built us a new coop!
We had a lot of metal roof material
the neighbor gave us a couple of
years ago - its just been sitting in
the back pasture.
Glad to finally find a use for it!

The top part is the nest box and perches
so the girls can be up off the ground at
night and when it rains.

The front has a lid that lifts so we can
put the feed and water in each day.
It has big rings on the front so we
can hook up a chain and drag it with
the 4-wheeler.

We have enough material to build 2.
I think we will put some of our hens
out there to start and make sure we like
it and tweak anything that needs tweaking.

And then we will order some chicks!
Because we don't have enough going on.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Happy Mothers Day

 It was a nice day!
Started out with our first Sunday in
the brand new Palm Bay 3rd Ward.

Church started a little late because they
didn't have enough cups for the water.
But that issue was resolved and everything
went forward well from there.

I snuck out for a minute while the Primary kids
sang their annual Mothers Day song.
The RS room was already set up from the other ward,
so all I had to do was move the table in the front.
(I don't like standing behind the podium...)
And then I put a little card on each chair.

It had a spot for their name and a big open heart.
I also put a pen or pencil on there.

Before we separated for class I slipped out again
and made sure I was in the room first.
Turned on some Pandora LDS Hymns on my phone 
and set up a little speaker so we had prelude music.

As the sisters entered they all took seats and we got started.
I had 44 chairs and most of them were filled.

Earlier in the day I had taken the raw ward list I got
from the stake and from that created a roster.
LDS Tools is still empty - it does show we exist as a ward,
but there are no members populated.
And the only calling filled is that of Bishop.
Everything else is still blank.


We started with prayer.
And then I passed the roll.
Spent a minute or two introducing myself,
and then we went around the room and had each
sister stand, introduce herself, where she was from
ORIGINALLY (not previous ward) and then
if they woke up one morning and had NOTHING
they needed to do that day, how would they choose
to fill their day.
It was fun and enlightening.
Lots of sisters found out they were from the same area.
We even have a sister who grew up in Calgary!
In the Parkdale? Parkland? Ward.
(I remember WAY less than I had hoped... it was
kind of a blur for me...)
And lots of sisters discovered kindred spirits.
Beach, sewing, reading, stay in bed with CARBS...

After we finished that, I had them imagine they
just got a text from the Bishop asking to meet
so he could extend a new calling.
As soon as you got that text, where did your heart go?
"PLEASE Primary, PLEASE Primary!"
And then I had them take a minute and write on their
little heart - what would be YOUR dream calling
if you could pick.

We talked about how we have be taught
"I will GO, I will DO the thing the Lord commands..."
but Heavenly Father knew how to light
the brother of Jared's boat, but still required
that he provide insight and input.
So no copping out and saying I'll do anything...

Sent around a basket and collected their cards
while I opened the floor to discussion about
things they would like to see in RS and even
things they maybe wish to never see again in RS.
I tried to keep everything light.

We had some good discussion, I started by letting
them know that MUSIC is an important way to
worship and I would be calling a pianist and chorister
and we would be bringing back an opening prayer and 
hymn at the start of the meetings.
I understand why we did away with that - in the interest
of having enough time for a meaningful lesson.
But I'm pretty sure we can spare a few minutes
to invite the Spirit to join us and worship a little
through a meaningful hymn.
There was LOTS of comments agreeing.
And another sister commented on how she would like
us to be less inward focused and more community
focused when it comes to service.
And then segued to a meeting Tuesday night
with a local community outreach where they will
be discussing paying it forward in the community.

And then we had a closing prayer and dismissed.
I think it went well!

And then I spent some of the afternoon organizing
the little cards and putting everyone's response
on a spreadsheet to share with the Bishop
but also to give me some insight into who to call
to where / what.
And then Kyle made a delicious dinner.

EVERYTHING on the plate came from our farm!!!
T-bone steak,
cherry tomatoes,
purple potatoes,
onions and orange peppers,
and of course, green beans!

It was delicious!
And exciting!
Even the little green chives in the purple
potatoes were from his herb garden!

I had the first of this season's okra for
breakfast - fresh beats frozen every time!

Friday, May 6, 2022

Other New Stuff

It really HAS been a busy week!

I also got new glasses!
I went from cheater / readers from WalMart
to bi-focals! (Well, progressives...)
I almost think a regular bi-focal would
have been better.
I'm having a hard time getting used
to the 5 different levels in focus.
NONE of them seem to be what my
eyes / brain can accomodate.

But I got them on Tuesday and I am
dutifully wearing them each day to
see if I can get used to them.

(No picture, but they look almost
exactly like my old glasses...)

Kyle built me a new planter box for my
stevia plant!
It's really pretty!

It sits out in the corner next to the roses.

Isn't it pretty?
He had fun building it.
I'm thinking I might like a couple
more to put by the front door and
put some plants in.
Although it gets pretty hot out there
in the mornings... but still.
I think they would be pretty!

Thursday, May 5, 2022


My life has been turned upside down!
And I can't seem to get a minute...

Friday Kyle and I went to the flea market
to see if that was an option for selling
our freeze dried stuff.

It's dark, dirty, busy, noisy...
It might sell a LOT, but
neither one of us could stand to
be there more than about an hour.

However we DID find a really cool
10x12 shed out in the parking lot.

And then we went up the street to the pound
to see if they had another feral cat
since Pig seems to have moved on.

They didn't.

But they did have a really sweet little puppy.

Kyle has been missing his dog, Shadow.
And was feeling like now was the right time
to replace her.

Introducing "Bear".
(Yes, Kyle named her...)

She is sweet.
And completely ignores me.
(And Kyle, and Rod...)
She is enamored of the chickens
and finds great joy in chasing them.
She hasn't succeeded in catching one yet.
(Beau caught and killed TWO of them before
I was able to train him to not do that...)

Mostly we keep them in while she is out
and once we let the chickens out, she has
to stay inside. Or on a leash.
She too, will learn.
But it appears she has had ZERO training to this point.
She is 13 months old...
kind of a long time to have NO discipline,
but she is learning.
She now goes into her crate when we tell her to.
And only cries for a minute.


That was Friday.
Then, of course, on Saturday I was called
as the new ward's Relief Society President.

And it's been a roller coaster ever since!

The good news is it is a brand new ward,
so I have no shoes to fill,
no previous expectations,
and a clean slate.

The challenging news is it is a brand new ward,
I have no shoes to follow,
no previous experience 
and I have to fill a gazillion jobs.

I just got the list of people actually IN
the ward this afternoon.
I'll be spending lots of time trying to figure
out who should do what.

Sunday is Mother's Day
so all the women in the ward will be
attending Relief Society.
I have some ideas.

Stay tuned.