Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Sweet Things

 This morning for breakfast I made Rod
some scrambled eggs and some 
hamburger bun toast with some of the
yummy raw honey Mom sent for Christmas.

And yesterday morning when Kyle and I went out
to the garden to harvest the onions,
look what we found???

Baby bunnies!
Kyle caught one and we relocated it to
the front yard under the bougainvillea.
But I didn't have my phone in my pocket.
Then we headed back out there and low and
behold, there were TWO MORE!
So we each caught one.

They were also relocated to the front yard.
There is quite a colony of bunnies out there,
so hopefully they will be happy.

But let it be known.
Farmer McGregor does NOT welcome Peter or
any of his brothers or sisters in his garden!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So cute!!