Monday, June 20, 2022



Peach season has ARRIVED out here in the East.
(Sun rises in the east, so EVERYTHING is earlier here...)

On Saturday the guys and I headed to a local
parking lot where we and a bunch of other
people gathered to pick up our fresh Georgia peaches.

There were a bunch of folks in line.
Including Rod in his bright yellow
Buffalo Land Clearing shirt and
Kyle standing behind him, incognito.
(And some wildly dressed folks!)

That big ol' truck is FULL to the brim with peaches!

As always they were super organized.
Although it was a GAZILLION degrees outside,
the line moved quickly and efficiently.
You walked up to a counter person,
showed them the QR code on your phone,
and they handed you the number of boxes you
had pre-ordered and paid for.

We got FOUR.
(That's 100 pounds of peaches for anybody
who is wondering...)

Once we got home, we spread them out all over the table.
That's 350 peaches right there!

By Sunday morning, the house smelled GLORIOUS!
But they were still a bit hard.

But MONDAY morning, we each had a fresh peach
with our breakfast.
And it was DELICIOUS!

Next up,
slice, dice, freeze and get them
ready to go in the freeze drier.


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