Friday was quite a day!
We started with a surprise rain shower.
Followed by a BEAUTIFUL rainbow!
It expanded to a FULL bow.
And if you look in each picture carefully,
it's a DOUBLE!
Rod was getting ready for work.
The back door was open all morning
(because the girl dogs were already in the dog yard)
and he said "Where is Beau?"
Who knows... he might be out back somewhere.
He'll be back in a minute,
but he never goes out the gate, so Rod left for work.
Then Kyle got up.
Then we chatted for awhile.
Then I took the trash can out to the road.
Then I visited with a neighbor for a minute.
Then I came back in.
Then Kyle had to go do a mulching job.
Where is Beau?????
We searched.
We looked out in the front yard.
(He sometimes "catches" a gopher tortoise and he
will stay and try to chew on it for EVER...)
We looked in the barn.
We looked in the back pastures.
We checked the garage.
(He sometimes gets shut in there by accident.)
We checked the tack room
(I got some freeze dried food out and sometimes
he gets shut in THERE by accident.)
We went out and checked with the neighbor who
was still out there walking her dog.
We panicked.
And then Kyle found him.
He got locked in the dog yard with the other girls
by accident.
There are negatives to having a dog who can't bark.
He can "chuff" but it doesn't make much noise....
Poor dog was all freaked out because the people
were calling and calling and calling and he was
trying to answer and he couldn't and he couldn't
get out and .... oh! the TRAUMA!
He was VERY happy to be rescued.
So Kyle left him and went to do a mulching job.
And then we left him and went to Walmart. (hahahaha)
And then we left him again and went to the BEACH!
Poor dog.
We have been going to the same beach for 3 years now.
And we often comment we should stop and
try out the Big Beach Burrito place.
So we did.
It was a BIG burrito!
And delicious!
And then we came home, did some stuff
around the house, Kyle got packed up for
this weekend's hurricane recovery (last one)
and then Rod got home.
We had dinner and then, at 10:55 Kyle said,
where did you put the meals I bought?
(He bought a couple of Mountain House
freeze dried meals because I only did 3 kinds and
he wanted some variety... and they are EXPENSIVE!)
And yes, we left them at the store.
And the store closed at 11:00.
This morning I'm subbing for another instructor
who went on a CRUISE!
And now.... I'm going to the grocery store to
see about getting either the meals or a refund or whatever.
FUN DAY!!!!!
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