Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Beautiful Beach Skies

 We went to the beach and enjoyed a
beautiful evening yesterday.
(And again this afternoon...)

The sky was GORGEOUS!

High, wispy clouds.

The ocean was really rolling!

And there was NOBODY there.
(Eventually there were some surfers,
but for the most part we were alone...)

We went for a walk and encountered
a couple of BIG jellies.

That's Kyle's big ol' size 9.5 foot.

This one had pretty pink "innards".

They aren't as pretty (or deadly) as 
Man 'O Wars.
But still fascinating.

We did the Bishop's Storehouse this morning.
Very busy - there were several people missing.
And then the Employment Specialist that shares
the building invited us all over for chicken
salad sandwiches, watermelon and chips.
That was fun.
And then we drove home, changed, headed to the beach,
and then back home so I could teach.

And now?

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