Thursday, February 1, 2024

Egg Salad etc.

Welcome February!!!

I've amazing information for you.
I have loved doing my hard boiled eggs
in the pressure cooker for YEARS.
I've tried all the things.
(Pressure 4 min, then natural release 4 min, then ice bath 4 min. etc)

But today I found the absolute BEST
way to do hard boiled eggs.
(I wish I could remember which YouTube
I learned this on... but I can't.)

2 minutes under pressure.
No really.
And then let it natural release (read do nothing)
for 15 minutes.
Then move to ice bath until you remember
they are in a bowl of cold water in the sink.

Oh my goodness.
They were the perfect eggs!
The white was fully cooked but soft and pillow-y
(not plastic or gummy)
and the yolks were perfect!
No green, not dry, perfect!

And THEN!!!!
After peeling them (and they peeled great!)
(unfortunately these are WalMart eggs... no chickens here)
I was making them into egg salad.
I have a couple croissants and I love egg salad on those!

I have a nifty cheese grater.

I've had so much fun grating cheese into
little deli containers or right into a bowl.

I decided to put the larger shredder on it 
and shred my EGGS!
I prefer my egg salad to be fairly fine,
I don't love big chunks of egg.

You guys, it was PERFECT!

And so FUN!

I got my eggs all hard boiled and then realized that my
trusty egg slicer (I slice them one direction then give
them a 90 degree turn and slice them again...)
is, of course, in storage.
NOW WHAT??? Am I going to have to do these
by hand??? (Or I could put them in the food processor,
I have done that before... but I kind of hate my food processor.)

But then I had an epiphany!

It worked great (grate) hahahahaha. 
And it was FUN!
And quick and easy to clean up.


Oh, by the way, I've also been making lots of
Amish Broccoli Salad.
And using the grater on the fine shredder
makes perfect cheddar to stick in there.

Today's lunch.
(Another great find are these plastic deli tubs!
I am using them for EVERYTHING!)

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Love that idea! Greg can't eat eggs, but I love them. And we buy those containers all the time for work. We put our parts in them to move from one stage to the next.... so I have lots of them for all sorts of things!!