Monday, February 19, 2024


 I may have mentioned...

I don't actually remember and don't feel like
going back to look...
but I may have mentioned that I came home
from teaching last weekend with a sore throat.
Which developed into a tight chest.
Which developed into a crackly chest.
Which developed into a semi-productive
but completely annoying cough.

I have been treating it with my favorites.
Ivermectin (in paste form) and Oregano.
But I wasn't very consistent.
Mostly I just slept a LOT.

But on Saturday I got SERIOUS and started
hitting it REALLY hard with Oregano.
And I'm feeling MUCH better today.
I was actually able to teach my class tonight
with only a couple minor coughing spells.
Mostly when Kyle cooked his chicken
and the spices burned in the pan which creates
a very irritating smoke that causes me
to cough even when I'm not fighting something.

But other than that I'm feeling much better.

And we took Luna to the vet today to get her
drain out of her shoulder.

They "snuck her in" the side door and the vet
came out into the hall and pulled it out
right there.
After getting a good laugh at her cone.

It's destroyed.

She bashes into things so hard with it
that she has split it down the middle,
and then got the edges in her mouth
and chewed them so there are giant teeth
marks all over it.

Mostly what she bashes into is Kyle's legs.

These aren't great pictures, but
considering how hard it is to get
him to let me take a picture of him...
this was as good as it gets.

His poor legs are a mass of bruises.

Tomorrow we will probably have to go to
Tractor Supply to get her a replacement cone.
(Theirs have a little rubber edge on them, so 
maybe it won't hurt as bad. Or it will just be
a wider bruise... who knows.)

She still has to wear it for another week or so.
Although the vet liked Rozann's idea of a onsie.
If we can find one.
And if we can get it on her.
And if she doesn't EAT it.
Like she eats EVERYTHING ELSE.
(Did I tell you she ATE the plastic tray in the
bottom of her crate???? And those things are $60!)
(And we already replaced it once...)
So, yeah.

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Haha Ste the plastic crate tray?