Wednesday, September 4, 2024


 One of the biggest challenges of the move so far
would have to be ALL THE PEOPLE!

The yards are all long and narrow.
So sitting in my backyard I can see
all the way through several neighbor's yards.

And that's just too much people.
(I know, horrible English, but that's what
Kyle and I say...)


Yesterday Rod and Kyle got busy.

Monday we went to Home Depot and bought a TON of wood.
And yesterday they put up a new privacy fence
between us and the neighbors.
(Yes, the trees are dead. So sad...)

The gardens look great, don't they?
The one up front left is all beans.
In the far back is the tomatoes.
They are COVERED in cherry tomatoes!
Then the carrot bed.
And finally peas (with carrots between the rows.)

This morning Kyle and I headed to the farm
and Rod headed back to Home Depot.

We got our usual haul of cucumbers,
zucchini and yellow squash.
And our first spaghetti squash.
It split, so we picked it and we'll see what it does.

We also got a nice haul of okra
and green beans!
We didn't expect to get ANY beans,
so we were pleasantly surprised.

After lunch I'm going to tackle the zucchini.
Now that the standup freezer is up and running,
I have a place to put them.

The guys are also building a dog yard
so the poor girls can get out of their crates.
They will be SO HAPPY!

Beau is always happy.

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