Friday, February 4, 2011


Woke up this morning to lots and lots and lots of FOG.  Wet, thick, gooey fog.  Everything was coated with a layer of wet.  Not just slightly damp but dripping wet.  As I walked out to the barn to feed the horses, the first thing I noticed as I approached were all the spider webs!  And I immediately rejoiced!  They were beautiful, sure, but now they were also VISIBLE!  Nothing beats starting a day like walking smack dab into a spider web and wondering if Charlotte was still out admiring her work.
They were EVERYWHERE!  Once the horses were happily munching, I wandered back to the house (would love to say I dashed, but wearing plastic barn clogs, walking slowly and carefully was the preferred method of transportation… wet plastic is SLICK!) to get my camera.  Made me late for work, but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to share.

Rod Update:  Driving on dry, clear roads!  Should be in Bolingbrook, IL in another hour or so and then picking up a load just a short 25 miles away and heading west to Kansas.  WEST?  Don’t they know he’s supposed to be in FLORIDA on Wednesday?  You know.  EAST and SOUTH?  Sigh.
Another Rod Update:  After all our joking about Eufala….  He FELL this morning in his parking lot.  Didn’t hurt anything (but his pride) and was able to laugh about it.  Thank goodness!!!!  (otherwise I would have felt SUPER guilty!)  (And I was able to say… Aaaawwwww, Eufala????)  Yah.  You can tell I love him with all my heart.

1 comment:

Rozann said...

Wow those ARE pretty. Good for you for taking the time out to enjoy the beauty around you.! (and for sharing)