I’ve been missing in action for a couple of days. (ok, longer than a couple…)
I’ve been a little busy. And a little sick. But I’m better now. Still busy, but not sick!
First – Jim has finished his first week at National Training Institute up in Green Cove Springs (near Jacksonville) and is well on his way to being a trucker! He’s (naturally) the star of the class, spending lots of time helping his fellow students on the finer points. He is really enjoying it – but looking forward to getting out there on the road and making some money. (although I’ll bet he’s glad to not be out there this week! Oooh, the weather!!!!)
Which brings us to Rod. He was in Brownsville, TX over the weekend. Enjoying 95 degree weather, wearing shorts and cooking up some beef patties on his George Foreman so he’ll have enough food to get him home. Now he’s heading north. Currently driving under clear blue skies, but that is likely to change by the time he gets into middle Oklahoma. And then it’s snow all the way to Chicago where he’s headed. Actually a little south of Chicago – Bollingbrook, IL. Right into the teeth of the blizzard. Remember him in your prayers. He is supposed to deliver on Thursday, so has a little padding if he needs to pull off for a day or so. His company is pretty good to work with – they REALLY don’t want the drivers taking risks, so if the weather is awful, they would rather you find a rest area or truck stop and hunker down until its safe again. Good to know they don’t think they are the postal service. (How long has it been since the postal service actually USED that motto???)
Kyle, meanwhile, has a mysteriously sore knee suddenly. Sunday in Sacrament Meeting to be exact. It started to hurt, got better, got worse, got better… We walked in the woods on Saturday for a couple of hours but it wasn’t bothering him when we got home. By the end of the day, his knee was really bothering him, but he has Mondays off, so we decided to “wait and see”. I worked for 5 hours and then came home early. He said it felt fine, so we went for another walk. It was a little off when we got back, but not bad. But again by the end of the evening he was really limping on his way to bed. This morning he said it was ok again – so we’ll see how the day goes. Might need to see a doc… Good thing he has GREAT health insurance through his job. (MUCH better than mine!)
Fuzzy (Kyle’s dog) has an enlarged heart, enlarged liver and water in the lungs. He’s been on a diuretic for a couple of weeks, but I’m not seeing much change. Poor little guy really coughs and coughs and just doesn’t have the bounce and energy he usually has. Called the vet this morning – the pharmacy gave us the wrong dosage – so he’s only been taking half the amount they wanted him on. We’ll get him on the right dose tonight and see what that does for him. He’s our FAVORITE dog of all the 4 (shhh, the others will get jealous) so we are anxious to see him getting better.
I started Tuesday with a SUPER sore throat. Like hot knives in your throat kind of sore. Stopped at the health food store and picked up some Oil of Oregano (in the middle of a tornado warning – I was like the only person on the road!) and took a mega dose of that and D3, some extra C and gallons and gallons of water. Wednesday I woke up to no sore throat, but a slightly itchy right ear. As the day went by, my nose was running like a faucet! (Found out Oil of Oregano, OoO, helps thin muscus along with being antiviral, anti-inflammatory, etc…) Decided to not go to Activity Day so as not to infect the girls. Thursday it had moved into my lungs. I was really worried about teaching my 4-day class starting Friday, but when I got up that morning, I was feeling GREAT! Unfortunately, I only had 2 students show up for school, so ended up cancelling anyway.
Had a lovely, relaxing Saturday. Kyle had to work and Jim was still in Jacksonville, so I stayed in bed until nearly noon – just watching cooking shows and staying warm. When Kyle got home we went for a nice walk in the woods and then had some dinner.
Sunday was church – we had the 5th Sunday combined on self-reliance. Some good information. Our local credit union CEO is in our ward and he mentioned that they make $30million each year on OVER DRAFT FEES! Incredible!!!! It’s one thing to have a budget, but even more important to have a realistic budget! And then follow it!
I already told you about Monday… (Grin) My boss (teaching) just called and said they are making some MAJOR changes related to the trips I’ve been making to Jacksonville and Pensacola lately. They are looking at combining the 40-hour online class and a live 4-6 hour “cram course” to see if they can help people pass their state exam in a shorter time. They want me to meet with the company trainer and a few other instructors down in Ft Lauderdale on Tuesday and Wednesday to come up with the curriculum! Quite an honor! Except Rod is coming home on Wednesday! So I’ll drive down on Tuesday morning (or more likely Monday evening) help them out Tuesday and Wed morning and then I’ll leave Wed afternoon so I can get home to see my darling husband!
Rod comes home on the 9th, an eye doc appt on the 10th, then Jim graduates on the 11th and should be home sometime that afternoon/evening. But I have to head to Boynton to teach that evening. I don’t get home until Sunday evening – we aren’t sure how long Rod will be in town. Supposed to be until the 14th but you never know when they can get him a load out.
Like I said… BUSY! Thank goodness my “day job” has flexible hours and is really good about working with me when I need time off for these special projects.
Aaaaaah, it’s a good life!
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