Tuesday, May 3, 2011

6 Week Challenge

I'm participating in, yet another, 6 week challenge put on by Teresa Tapp.  This one is learning to get more veggies during the day by drinking green smoothies and ways to "sneak in" little fitness movements throughout the day.

With Rod being home over the weekend, I didn't start on May 1 like I was supposed to.  (Plus it was Fast Sunday - not a good day to start a new eating program...  LOL)  Then Monday we went to Waffle House for our traditional Monday morning breakfast.  (except Kyle got to come with us this time - it was fun!  They were BUSY - we sat at the counter and Kyle said it was like breakfast AND a show!)

Anyhow.  I started this morning with my first official green smoothie.

Yup.  It's GREEN.  This is not mine - but a picture I snagged off the internet.  I didn't have the presence of mind to snap a picture of mine this morning.  But it's basically what it looks like. 

I was expecting it to taste like liquified grass clippings.  I was pleasantly surprised!  It was really good!!!  Ok, there was a little of the grass clipping thing - but I think we all know I'm part horse, so it was cool.  Mine included some spinach, some kale, a banana and a hand full of frozen strawberries with a little coconut milk and water to thin it a little.  It was actually pretty yummy!

I wasn't starting to feel hungry until noon, so that's good. 

UPDATE:  Rod is heading north to Jackson and then west to Dallas.
Jim is in Kentucky.  I'm sure I know where he is headed - but can't seem to put my finger on it this very second...  LOL

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