Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Little Birdy

Kyle went out to work on his dirtbike track in the pasture the other day and came back in rather disgusted.

Said he was going to have to change the whole thing.

Because of what he found out there.

Silly birds built their nest and laid their eggs right smack dab on the top of his jump.  LOL

He was out there riding and said the bird was standing on its nest with its little wings all spread out, ready to fight to the death to protect its eggs.  Ready to take on a dirt bike!  Tough little bird! 

I went out to take pictures and instead of standing there threatening death, it did the "broken wing, come eat ME instead" thing.  Unfortunately, as good as the eggs are hidden, the bird has even better coloring and I couldn't get a picture where you could actually SEE the bird.  Noisy, but nearly invisible.

Its nature at its finest.  Hopefully the eggs will hatch and the little birds will survive.  We have 3 dogs - but I've seen them all walk right past a bunny and not even see it.  So the birds might have a good chance... 

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