Huh. When I read today's assignment, I realized I have several "letter boxes".
Of course, I have my home mailbox - the vinyl buffalo is reflective, so you can see it glowing in the dark as you drive up the road... I love my little old mailbox!
Then, of course, is the letter box where I get my mail at the office. It's a 6' tall book shelf with individual cubbies for each of us. Mine wasn't all that full today (it's usually much more stuffed on Monday) but they had some staff come in on Saturday, and everybody fights to post my stuff. So... I didn't get as much today. But that's ok...
(One of these days I'll figure out how to take pictures using my iPod that aren't blurry...)
And lastly I have a stack of mail (and my "fancy" phone) at my desk. I hate posting Work Comp and Auto insurance claims, so it stacks on my desk for a couple of days until I talk myself into it. LOL
(Yup, that's season 3 of Lois and Clark for my "viewing" pleasure while I'm posting $$$ today...)
In other news, I had the day off on Saturday. YIPPEEEEEEE! It was 79 when I went to bed Friday night, and never made it above 67 on Saturday. I decided it was too cold for me (grin) so after feeding the horses, I snuggled up in my yoga pants, a sweat shirt, a blanket, and watched Food Channel all day! Loved it!!!!
Once Sabrina got home from work, we planned our menu for the week and then did the grocery shopping. I forgot to take a picture of our cool little menu board - I'll try to remember tomorrow. Had to make a change to the plan though - her mouth is still really sore, so we are keeping it to "soft" food for the next few days. (It was steak/taters/etc for Sunday... but did spaghetti with alfredo sauce instead. Poor girl!)
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