Of course I forgot to take pictures until it was too late...
Kyle and I had a very productive evening!
First he showed me how to make homemade laundry soap. We prefer the dry kind, instead of the wet. (The wet is sort of messy and kind of gross...)
It is SUPER easy! (Especially when you are WATCHING and letting Kyle do it...)
He grated one bar of Ivory Soap into nice fine flakes. Then he measured it to see how much he had. It worked out to 2.5 cups of soap flakes. Then he measured out an equal amount of Arm & Hammer Washing Soda (NOT baking soda) and Borax. Mixed all three together and then poured them into a tupperware tub. You add between 1 and 3 tablespoons, depending on your load size. Kyle made a bunch before the Arizona trip and we used it til it was all gone and then sort of got lazy. Don't know why! It does a great job - especially with the whites - and it's CHEAP!!!!
Then, I went out to the barn and got my big bucket of MSM I bought for Andy's arthritic joints. And broke out my new little capsule maker. It took two tries, but we ended up with 23 capsules of MSM for Kyle to take each day to help with his ankles and knees. I take 1/4 tsp each morning, but I mix it with D-Ribose and Emergen-C. Kyle can't take that mix - says it just tastes too gross! So he takes a couple Vitamin C pills and one of his new little capsules. Here's hoping it helps...
And then I made a BIG batch of smoothies in my new Ninja Blender (thanks Nanc - used some of the WalMart gift cards from last Christmas!) and poured them into plastic cups, covered them with plastic wrap, and stuck them in the freezer! Now I can have my smoothie in the morning without waking the dead! It was nice and convenient this morning - I made them with Chia seeds, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, 1/2 an avacado, and some milk. YUM!
OH! And before all that, we went for a nice hour long walk in the woods. We LOVE spring!
So... that was OUR evening, how was yours?
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