Merry Christmas!!!
Last night was the annual
Santa on the fire truck.
Took a little doing, but we FINALLY got in the right
place to park and stand by the road to wave
and take pictures
and get candy thrown at us.
We kept coming around the corner and there they
were - in FRONT of us - again!
But since we were all wearing our Santa hats,
we just rolled down our windows, waved and
pretended to be part of the parade!
This is a tradition that goes back more than 30 years.
Rod and his brothers used to ride on the
old town fire trucks before they moved to Utah!
And after we got married and moved back here,
they continued the tradition,
with Rod acting as Santa and his brothers
as helpers.
They even got called to a "house fire".
Was the lady ever surprised to have
Santa Claus himself come to put out her fire!
(DO NOT start a fire in your fireplace using
BBQ starter and then try to put it out
using your canisters of flour and sugar!
It makes a MESS on your beautiful white stone fireplace...)
This morning we are enjoying a leisurely breakfast
while sitting by a roaring fire.
Ok, it's on the big screen TV.
Provided by the Hallmark Movie Channel.
When they switched to movies,
we moved to the UP channel for
a different fire and more Christ centered music.
Makes a nice background.
(And since it's already 71 here in Florida,
it's the only kind of roaring fire we can really have...)
There is a big pot of Cranberry Wassail
on the stove, making the house smell awesome.
The rolls are rising in preparation for dinner.
All is right with the world.
(Still waiting for Jim and Sabrina - but they'll be here soon...)