Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday Musings

We had an eventful weekend.

Kyle caught a raccoon in the Have-A-Heart trap.
And then he shot it.
And then his friend skinned it.

And then they hung it in the tree.

Then they loaded up their 4-wheelers and went "mudding".

They had to try out their new snorkels.

Kyle's had a little leak.
He got a little wet.
And muddy.

Nope, he's not wearing socks.
Those are his feet.

It's mud to his waist.
Then water a little above that.

No idea why he's clean in the middle and dirty again on his shoulders.

And, of course, his face...  LOL

Today I met a nice lady who has been raising chickens for 50+ years.
I have a broody chicken who will NOT get off the nest.
She sits on eggs.
She sits on golf balls.
She sits on NOTHING.

So I bought a dozen random fertilized eggs from her.

She pulled them off her nests today.
One of them is a blue "Easter Egger" egg.
With my luck it will hatch out and be a rooster.
But I'm HOPING for an easter egger hen.
(They lay pretty colored eggs...)

Here's hoping in 21 days we have a bunch of babies!
(I had to move her to her own coop - she wasn't very happy about it, 
but she'll settle in...)

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