Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tropical Storm Andrea

The hurricane season is 6 days old.
And we have our first Tropical Storm.

Introducing Tropical Storm Andrea.

She is bringing 3” – 6” of rain to our area today.
The wind isn’t too bad.
In the actual storm, they are blowing about 60 mph.

We aren’t getting the actual storm.
(She’s in the Gulf of Mexico – off the coast of Tampa)
We are getting the “feeder bands”.
Which basically means rain.
And more rain.
And more rain.
And more rain.

It has been raining off and on all week.
My pastures are GREEN.

Well, except for the part that is MUD.

The horses are soaked.
Buddy rolled in his stall this morning.
He was so happy to find some dry dirt to roll in!

The girls are soaked.
I have 50 wet hens.
Luckily they aren’t cranky.
They actually seem to be enjoying it.
The rain brings up the worms.

I’m ready for a peak of sunshine.

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