Monday, February 3, 2014

Still Smiling

So this weekend I was teaching down south.
And it was SUNNY!
And HOT!
I was in HEAVEN!

And that made me smile.

But that's not what I'm writing about today.

Saturday, during lunch I went across
the street to Burger King.

In the parking lot was a Dad with his little boy.
They were chatting with a Police Officer.
And the boy was looking up at the two men
with this GIANT grin on his face.
Hero Worship.
Times TWO!

It was awesome!
And made me smile every time I thought about it.

Then on Sunday,
during lunch,
I went across the street to Burger King.
(Seeing a pattern here?)
(in case you are wondering, I have a chicken topped
salad with water when I eat there...)
(I never liked their french fries anyway - so no temptation there.)


When I sat down, at the next table
there was a Gymnastics Team.
And their two Team Moms.
The team were decked out in all their finery.
Cute turquois outfits.
Hair slicked into ponytails with glitter.

The girls were all special needs.

It made me smile to see them having so much fun.
And then various patrons stopped by on their
way out and asked about their competition
and congratulated them on their great day.
(They won their division and are going to
some sort of championship competition next week.)


It was a good weekend!

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