Thursday, February 20, 2014

Ummm, No.

The girls in my office have joined me in my
Healthy Eating quest.

We are all enjoying our Trim Healthy Mama
"Muffins in a Mug"
"Skinny Chocolate"
"Egg Roll in a Bowl"
etc etc etc

And then they decided we should get active too.

So one of them has been lobbying for us
to join up as a 4 person team and do
"Run or Dye".

It kind of sounded like fun.
One is bringing a baby in a stroller.
So it would be more like Walk or Dye.

And then I saw a picture.

I don't know.
It just doesn't actually look like fun to me.

I'll be MORE than happy to guide a 5K
walk through my woods.
Or a 5K walk through our local zoo.
Or a 5K walk in the mall.

But people tossing "environmentally friendly"
colored corn starch in my face?

Ummmmmmmm, No.


Rozann said...

Chicken!!! ha ha ha

Collette said...

LOL. Yah, I know. Maybe it's the colored stuff in my face. Or maaaaaybeeee its spending a couple of hours, outside of the office, with the people I wear headphones at work to avoid listening to! LOL. Hmmmmmmmmmm