Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Everybody/Everything is GROWING!

These are the baby chicks when they arrived.

And here they are last week.
At one week old.

And yesterday!

I tossed in an Easter Egger just for size comparison.
(She is the little brown girl)
They were all hatched on 2/28.
But those meaties are GROWING!
They eat almost a full horse feed scoop
TWICE a day!
(I'm so glad we moved them to the wire bottom cage...)

and update on the bunnies.

There is a "B" and 2 "C"s.
(There are 5 C's total)
The B is the last from that batch.
Her two kindle mates are livin' the life.
They've been to school for show and tell.
They have two little girls who love them.
She, however, is coming up on 5 pounds.

Then we have 7 D's.
They are only 2 weeks old.

They just opened their eyes yesterday.

They have moved out of the nest box.
They are hanging out in the back with Mom.

Because THESE guys have taken it over.
Yes, there are NINE.
These are the remaining 9 from Orange's 12
she gave birth to on Sunday.
Three of them were already dead.
We moved the survivors over to Green's nest.
They were going to die anyway.
But maybe, just maybe, they would get fed.

There is a runt in there that might not make it.
But at 1 day old, they are already starting to get hair.

Green gets Mom of the Year Award.
Feeding SIXTEEN babies.
And she's pregnant.

I need a nap.

1 comment:

Rozann said...

Wow - pretty wild little farm you got going there! ha ha good job!