Except it's Monday.
But this time TGIF doesn't stand for
Thank Goodness Its Friday.
This time TGIF is
Thank Goodness It's FINISHED!
What a weekend!
I'm glad THAT one is over...
Saturday went well.
This particular class has a bunch of
really challenging students.
And the power went out in the afternoon
for a bit.
But we survived.
I even ate at Bonefish Grill
and had the MOST AMAZING
corn chowder with lump crab soup.
Oh my goodness.
And then a nice big
Florida Cobb Salad with fresh mango,
avocado, pumpkin and sunflower seeds
and super tender grilled chicken
over baby spring greens.
But then Sunday arrived.
The light never DID turn green
to get out of my hotel.
Ended up turning right and
making a U-turn in my giant truck.
That's always fun.
And then part way through the afternoon
we had another power failure.
(Welcome to Florida in the summer...)
When the power came back on,
everything powered right up,
EXCEPT my projector and sound system.
(and my entire class is Power Point / video driven)
Luckily I had just finished teaching the main
curriculum for the course and we were
down to the part where we were going to
review and watch random related videos for 2 hours.
So instead I had them do some workbook stuff
while I tried to figure something out.
Fortunately, I keep an extra projector
in my truck since I never know where I'm
going to be teaching next nor what kind of
facilities they have.
Unfortunately, the computer didn't accept
my projector.
So I tried connecting it to another computer
on the other side of the room.
No dice.
Then the guy who owns the office called and
said he was pretty sure it was just the breaker.
But the breaker box was NOT where he said
it was. (There WAS an EMPTY breaker box
on the opposite wall...)
I even had a MAN student look.
Nope. No breaker box in any of the
unlocked rooms in the entire facility.
Fortunately (again) one of my students had
her laptop with her. (Normally I bring mine,
but this weekend I knew I wasn't going to
want to workout in my hotel after these LONG
days, and I didn't want to leave it in my truck
or my hotel, and didn't want to lug it in and
out of the classroom - so I left it home.)
We finally got it all hooked up,
downloaded the power point presentation
and a power point viewer.
But then Google Slides took over.
Unfortunately, I think I left my bag with my
long extension cord / power strip at the
Coral Springs site when I subbed there
back in April. (I just finally narrowed it down
to there. Don't know if it's actually there.
Or just LOST)
The cord on my projector is about 18 inches long.
So I set it up on a chair,
pointed it to the front of the room (ish)
and we all tilted our heads to the right.
(As I always tell the instructors I mentor -
You gotta be willing to PUNT!)
Also, unfortunately, Google Slide didn't actually work.
It would show the slides, but not the animations.
Which means, when you are doing a multiple choice
review, they pick the answer they want, and I should
be able to click and the right answer is highlighted in red.
Yeah. No.
Oh well. They just had to believe me! LOL
Things went better after that.
And then came the final exam.
Crash and burn.
We have a brand new curriculum starting
this month and I guess we haven't got the
bugs all worked out yet.
Cuz I only passed 6 people out of 18.
Which is unheard of!
4 of the students who failed were
(And the other was a CPA!)
And high score was only 87!
Normally I have several high 90's.
So I was pretty bummed.
I'm going to need to really re-evaluate
how I teach this new stuff.
Less "extra" and more time for review.
Fortunately I had a reservation to spend
the night in Ft. Lauderdale.
*Since I didn't get out of class until 10 pm.
Got up at 4:45 and hit the road to be
at my office by 7:30. Had to stop by the
house to pick up some eggs for a co-worker
and to kiss my Much Missed Husband!
This morning I sent a big long email to my
boss (guess I could have just linked to my blog...)
And then I got a text from a student who did
pass my test last night.
She just PASSED her State Exam this morning!
So I was all excited again.
I went online to my class roster so I could email
the students with a "shout out"
and look at my class size for this weekend.
I'm not teaching my normal West Palm Beach.
I'm teaching in Coral Springs!
(which is cool since I'll be able to get the
stuff I think I left there...)
A "quick" phone call to my boss to find
out what's the deal and yup, it's true.
But that means I need to cancel hotel reservations
and make new ones.
(which I have already done. Whew!)
If you are looking for me.
Check the puddle under my desk.
That just might be me.