Monday, July 25, 2016

I Love My Truck

Look what happened last night!

That's right!
320,000 miles!!!

(I think it had about 68,000 when we bought it...)
(I do a lot of driving)

To commemorate the event
my rear left signal blinker burned out.

I'm one of those odd ducks who ALWAYS
signals when I change lanes or make a turn.
So it kind of drove me nuts.

But since I was working from 7:30 am to 8:00 pm
both days (HUGE class) I didn't have an opportunity
to find an auto parts store to get it fixed.

for this evening!


In other news.
As I was driving to work this morning, 
I noticed the marquee in front of the
local Presbyterian church.
They often have fun things on there.

Today it says:
Too hot to change sign.
Details inside.



In other news.
It's hot here.


In other news.
Kyle bought a lamp!
It matches his apartment perfectly.


In other news.
I'd better get to work.
Have a great Monday!

1 comment:

rktucson said...

awesome! that's totally impressive!!!