Thursday, July 14, 2016

Primary Pennies

When I was about 12 years old
I had to give a talk.
About the Primary Children's Hospital
and the pennies the primary children
collect to help families pay for 
their treatment.

It was a special topic,
because my Aunt Karen spent many
many many days, weeks, months
at the Primary Children's Hospital
following a car accident when she
was a little girl.

I was preparing to give her story
and as part of my preparation, I
recorded it on our cassette recorder.
I remember doing it.
(We had these two little black cube
microphones that sat on a stand.)
(It felt VERY official)

Mom found the tape.
And Rozann did her magic and turned it
into an MP3 and Dad sent it to me.
I sound VERY young.
And Canadian.
And then look what showed up at my
house yesterday?

Isn't that gorgeous?

For right now it's sitting on my piano.
Until I can find the perfect place for it.
(I have cave art buffaloes hanging above
my piano, and you can't really get close enough
to see it to see the music if I hang it there.)

The perfect spot will come to me.

But for now I'm enjoying it where it is.
(I can see it perfectly from my 
favorite spot on the couch.)

I love it!
(And you!)


Rod said...

What a beautiful story written and about Aunt Karen

rktucson said...

fun eh? That is a voice I remember well - reading books and telling me stories lots of times as we were growing up! ha ha

Unknown said...

That was fun to hear and i.pictured you in front of the two microphones with the.little black rubber feet that i used and chew on. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

That was fun to hear and i.pictured you in front of the two microphones with the.little black rubber feet that i used and chew on. Thanks for sharing.