Thursday, August 25, 2016

Apple Technology

The only Apple stuff I have is an iPod
that Mom and Dad gave me several years ago.
I love it.
It's tiny and has a cracked screen.
It doesn't have much memory.
It pretty much holds my Piano Guys music.
And I LOVE it!
I hang it on my saddle when I go riding.
Or hang it on the fence when I'm 
dispatching critters to send them to
Freezer Camp.

They tried to get me a new one from the
current century.
But I resisted.

Yesterday I could no long resist the pull
of the Apple.

Since my company gave me a FREE
iPod, Apple TV, wireless keyboard
and a whole bag full of other goodies
(that I have no idea what to do with...)


Our company is going wireless.
Which is awesome.
Considering all the problems I've been
having with my old technology 
during the previous couple of weekends.

We went to Orlando yesterday to
get our "goodie bags" full of stuff
and a quick "down and dirty"
lesson in how to use it.

But the most amazing stuff was the directive.
Last time (years and years and years ago)
they gave us each a Palm Pilot
when that was a thing.
to use it for NOTHING but work related stuff.
(by the way - they promptly took them back!)
(I'm not sure I ever even got to turn it on...)

This time we received
to download everything to it
and take it home,
hook it up to our home televisions
and PLAY with it!

Use it!
Every day!
For everything!
In fact,
right now,
let's all download our gmail accounts!
And our photos.
and we already loaded Garage Band
on it for you,
cuz you're gonna love it!


Who are these people?
What happened to the stodgy, cranky,
grumpy people we used to work for?

I love these new people.

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