Thursday, August 18, 2016

Wishing Your Life Away

"They" always say not to wish your life away.
So I try not to.
But I REALLY WISH it was October.

I'm teaching again this weekend.
Substituting at another site.
Which my brain is having a hard time with.
Last weekend I had no idea where I
was half the time.
The two schools are just up the road 
from each other.
So although I stay in different hotels
they are the same chain.
And I eat in the same restaurants because
they are equidistant from the two schools.

It's very confusing.

Looking forward to having Labor Day weekend

And then it's back to teaching the next
four weekends.

And then.
Blessed relief.
I am going back to just teaching 


My poor computer is having as hard a
time with all this as I am.
I bought it a gazillion years ago.
(Five?  Six?  That's 900 in laptop years.)

It nearly didn't make it through this past school.
It keeps turning itself off.
Which is sort of a pain since I'm teaching 
using a Power Point presentation.
And the school I was in last weekend didn't 
have a white board to write on.
And the electronic overhead thingie was broken too.

Kind of frustrating!

This weekend I'm at a site with a white board,
but I need to supply my own computer.
I think I might borrow Rod's.
Next Wednesday I'm going to Orlando for training
on our brand new iPads!!!!
(Which is why I haven't broken down and
purchased a new laptop...)
(It gets to just retire...)


We will be using the new technology in September.
Keep your fingers crossed that everything goes well.


In other news...
Kyle got a JOB yesterday!
Working at the grocery store literally across
the street from his apartment.

He's had his eye on it for awhile, but
didn't want to apply just before taking a
week vacation in Florida.

He's excited to start.
It's the graveyard shift.
Which thrills him!  
(No seriously... he's not a "people person".)

Stay tuned to see how it goes.
Sunday night will be his first night.
I'm sure it will be awesome.

Back to work.
(Talked to Sondra this morning - sounds like
the Calgary trip was a HUGE hit...)
AND she is sending me a picture of...



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