Monday, October 24, 2016


We woke up to "fall" weather.
Well... fall in Florida.
It was 59 outside.

It wasn't that chilly inside.
But it WAS below 72.
As proven by my coconut oil.

That bottle has been full of LIQUID
coconut oil for months and months!

To celebrate fall, 
(ok, I was going to do it anyway)
I'm wearing my cute new Butte Copper Co
bracelet to work.
I can't typically wear bracelets, cuz they are
round or big or something and they get
in the way of my typing.
But this was perfect!

But my hand looks like it's attached to
an alien appendage!  (Hard to take a picture of myself
when my phone keeps turning off my camera!)
I love it though!
(the bracelet, not the phone... lol)

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