Thursday, October 6, 2016

Thursday am Update

So here is the latest.

I'm on my iPad so I don't know
how to do the cool things I can do
on my computer.
Like save photos to post.

I'll fire up my laptop in awhile.
Since I have nothing else to do.

My office is closed today and tomorrow.
They are telling us we need to be
where we are going to be by 5 pm today.

The weather will start to deteriorate around 10.
The eye of the hurricane should pass
right over us about 3 am.
It's such a bummer they always do this at night!

We have everything we need.
Food, water, fuel, tarps,

I talked to a helpful Delta agent this morning
and she helped me cancel our flights out
since the airport will likely be closed anyway
and rescheduled us for the same flights
on Sunday morning.

The storm will be gone by Saturday afternoon
and we will know our status by then.
If we need to stick around to fix damage
or whatever, we can call again and change
our flight information again.
But I imagine we will be on those flights.

The highways are full of people.
The gas stations are running out of fuel.
I would much prefer to ride this out
in our well constructed concrete block home
(as opposed to the tin foil house we were
living in back in 2004)
than sitting in our truck out on the highway.

This house did well in the 2004 triple
Hurricanes of Charlie, Francis and Jeanne.
There was some roof damage, but it was
because there was a sky light in the
spare bathroom.  (WHO puts a skylight
In a bathroom????)

Anyhow.  The skylight failed,
Bill (previous owner) heard water coming in, so he went
Through the house and ripped down all the
ceilings to minimize the attic damage.
Since then we have put a new roof on,
fixed the leaking we had earlier,
we are confident the roof is sound.

Stay tuned.
I'll post throughout the day.

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