Monday, June 5, 2017

Story 2 - How is life different today from when you were a child?

How is life different today
from when YOU were a child?

Besides the obvious...
When I was a child, my biggest concern
was where to "hide" while reading a book.
Should it be in the cubby under the stairs?
Or in the "nest" I made in my closet?
Or on the top bunk?
Or Or Or Or...

And today there is so much that 
requires my attention and decision making.

But other than that...
I still need to know where to sit / hide
while reading my book.

I remember our black and white TV.
I remember when Dad invented the very first
"mute" button for the TV.
It had a chord - a button in a nifty
wooden handle.
He hated commercials.
And it was fun acting out what we 
thought they SHOULD be saying.

Now we just fast forward through them.

I had to call home and reverse the charges.
I couldn't say "Collect" because it 
went something like this...

Me - I would like to place a collect call please.
Operator - Your name please
Me - Collette
Operator - Yes ma'am, I know it's collect but I
need to know your name
Me - Collette.
Operator - Yes ma'am, but I need your name.
Me - BETH.

Incidentally, Beth is STILL what I call my
"barista" name.  When you are at a restaurant
or whatever where they want your name, I just use Beth.
Easier to say, spell, whatever.
I've gotten Charlotte, Claudette, etc
so I just went with Beth.

We had cars with lap belts.
I suppose.
Nobody ever used them.

We had a telephone with a LOOOOONG
(stretched out, no curlies left) chord.

We NEVER locked our doors.

We had to be home RIGHT AFTER the dance.
And if you wanted to extend it, you had to
use a PAY PHONE to call and get permission!
(The phone at the Peter's had a LONG line...)
(Is it Peters?  Who the heck is the burger place
on the north hill???????
Oh my gosh!  I have Alzheimer's!)

I learned to spell Alzheimer's at an insurance conference.
You put it to the tune of Mickey Mouse.
Try it!

Dad whistled.
Stoddard girls from all over the neighborhood
came running.
Now you text your kids.
Sometimes they text back.

Dinner was served at 6.
After Dad read the newspaper.

Beans needed to be weeded.
(And there were Daddy Long Legs out there!!!)

(There are still spiders in the bean patch)
What is it with spiders and beans???

Some things never change.

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