Thursday, September 28, 2017

Couldn't Wait....

It's end of month.
And end of fiscal year.
And being closed for 2 days for
Hurricane Irma
put us a little over $1M behind budget.

Management is FREAKING OUT!

I post the biggest insurance carrier we have.
Last week's payment was all messed up.
I got the $ on Thursday, but the files
came over corrupted.
Then on Friday we got new files.
Still corrupted.
Then on Monday we got correct files.

So the push was on.
Could I get it all posted before this
week's payment arrived?
(NO question... lol)

The money came on Wednesday.
A BIG amount.
(Not enough, but still pretty darn good.)
Now... files?

Management (various representatives)
"dropped by" repeatedly during the day
to check on the status.

I will tell you when it gets here!
I DID get a tiny file,
but the big 1.3M file was still a no-show
by the time I left Wed evening.

Thursday morning (this morning)
I was here bright and early and so was my file!!!

But that's not good enough.
Here comes management.
 Management:  Did we get the file?
Me:  Yes.
Them:  What does it look like?
Me:  Pretty big.  186 pages with about
450 interest entries.  I'm looking at 4 - 5 days
to get it all posted.
Them:  So will you have it done by month end?

Me:  Pause.  You know month end is tomorrow, right?


This is what my days look like.

An hour or so later, I got called into Managment's office.
We need to know if you can get it posted by end of month.

Me:  NO!

Them:  What if we hold off on the interest entries?
Me:  I could probably get it done then.
Them:  If you don't get it done by tomorrow, could
you come in on Saturday and finish it?

Me: Yes.  But I should probably tell you now...
This is my 2 week notice.

Looks of total shock / disbelief.
Not sure if my manic grin looks like
I'm kidding or if I'm just insane.

After convincing them I'm serious
and October 13th (yes, Friday the 13th)
really IS my very final day...
I headed back to my desk.

As I came around the corner to where all
my co-workers are waiting to see what happened,
I said... So.  I should probably tell you now.

I just quit.

It was SO worth it!

So... I'm here late this evening, working on
getting this monster posted.
Mostly because there was a wreck on the highway
and it's a traffic jam for about 2 miles.

Sit here (and get paid) or sit out there.
NO duh.

And tomorrow I can just come in and not worry
about what I'm going to say and how I'm going
to say it.

I feel 10 pounds lighter!
(Now if I just LOOKED it!  LOL)

Random Thoughts

My birds aren't happy being contained.

This is what I found the other day
when I got home from work.

She was trying to squeeze out the tiny hole
we have to reach our hands through
to open / close the gate.

She was stuck.

(But when I came over she freaked out
and backed into the coop again.)

Silly birds.

(They are good layers, but not particularly
PRETTY birds... their feathers have a pretty
green sheen in the sunshine, but their faces
leave a little to be desired...)

Rod and Kyle are leaving tomorrow to drive
down to Marathon in the Keys.
They are "team lead" on a group who have
been asked by the Area Seventy to help
down there.

The guys have been working both Saturday
and Sunday every weekend since the hurricane
hit and they are pretty pooped.
The Stake President said we were going to
take this weekend off and recharge our batteries
while participating in General Conference.

But the Area Seventy contacted him Tuesday
and said that, like the Saints in SLC who dropped
everything (including the lady's petticoats to make
clothes for those they were rescuing) to rescue the
folks who were stranded in the snow,
we are being asked to continue our efforts.
Its a 5 hour drive (but add Miami traffic and
it usually stretches to 7) so they are leaving 
on Friday, working Saturday and Sunday, 
and driving back on Monday.

Rod's new employer is AWESOME.
He is taking a "floating holiday" on Friday.
And with a letter from the Stake President
they will pay him for a "volunteer day" on Monday.

They say this will be the final weekend.

Unfortunately, we can't get to Puerto Rico.
Those are the people who REALLY need 
our help.
The Keys were damaged, but they are
pretty resourceful and are already back and
open for business.
It will be 6 months before many of the people
on Puerto Rico even have power again.
Our hearts and prayers go out to them.
And maybe a special line on your next tithing
form with a donation for assistance to those folks.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Counting Down


After 17+ years,
it's time to call it DONE.

I am going to give my notice
at my "day job" on Friday.

I'm going to keep teaching.
I love it.
And I get paid really well.
And I love it.

But my day time job has gotten
to the point where I no longer love it.
We used to be a small-ish medical
practice where the Doctors and the
support staff knew each other
and cared about each other.

Now we are a large corporation
headquartered in New York.

We have dress codes.
They measure your heels on your shoes!
(No, really!  Well, not MINE... lol)
We have to drive 30 miles up the highway.
We get a "red box" on our electronic
time card if you clock in as the time
is clicking over from 7:30 to 7:31.
You get "counselled" if you have 
"too many" red boxes.

You also get a red box if you come in early.
Or stay late.

But the biggest issue is they took half my 
job away from me and gave it to someone else.

Which means I spend pretty close to 
half my week "looking busy". 

I've always gotten high marks on my 
annual reviews because I'm fast and accurate.
We have to report the total number of
transactions done each day.
My numbers are the highest of anyone and
when I'm on vacation or working on a special
project, it takes 3 other people to cover me.

(Sounds like I'm bragging, but I'm not... it's
just how it is...)

Anyhow - they said "You can afford to lose
some numbers."

I can't......  I just can't.
I wasn't raised to not do my best.


Friday I am giving 2 weeks notice.
And I'm so excited I almost can't stop smiling.

Think of me Friday!

Friday, September 22, 2017

New Skills

Since I've aced the power stapler...


Kyle thought it was time I
learned how to drive the mower.

Someday I might even actually MOW!

(Don't tell anybody but I got
dizzy while doing doughnuts...)

It's fun to drive!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Chicken Pox

My chicken coop has the pox.

I took a sick day from work.
The chicken coop needed work!

If you look closely, there's a GIANT gap between
the board and the bottom of the chicken wire.
And that chicken right there is getting ready
to flew the coop!

The girls just hop on out whenever they feel like it
and I'm pretty sure they are laying eggs
SOMEWHERE out there!
(And there's too many sneaky places for me
to find them...)
Plus the dogs find them and eat them.

So I fixed it.

See my tools?
Yes, I used an air compressor
and a power staple gun.

It was FUN!

And now there are no giant gaps.
The girls are contained.

Mission accomplished!

Monday, September 18, 2017

Waterton Alpine Stables


This is all that is left of the iconic (in my mind)
Waterton Alpine Riding Stables.

So many memories!

Rozann and I driving down and renting horses
together and riding up into the mountains for
a 3 or 4 hour (half day) ride.
Complete with a MAP!
(scariest thing EVER!)
(but super fun)

"Skinny dipping" (not exactly) in the FREEZING
mountain lake and just after we got in a troop
of Boy Scouts showing up.
So we couldn't get OUT of the water!

Reid taking me over there on the back of
his motorcycle so I could "audition" for
a job there the following summer.
(They said I was hired, but in the meantime
I got a "real" job and couldn't take 2 months
off to work in a stable for minimum wage...)
(darn it!)

Thankfully they were able to move the
horses to a safe location and nobody
(man or beast) got hurt.

But it is devastating to lose all your

They will rebuild.
And they will love their new facility even more.
But old friends are hard to say goodbye to.

Alpine Stables
we bid you Adieu.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Back to Normal

We are all back to normal again.

Not that we veered that far off course anyway.
But there is always that little kernel
of stress hiding deep in your belly
when there is a giant, history making,
record breaking, red and yellow
blob heading your way.

However, the boards are off the windows
(at least the windows we take them off of)
although they aren't yet put away.
(Jose is still churning out there.)
We won't put them away until hurricane
season is officially over.
November 1st.
Circle the date on your calendars!
(Not really, it winds down pretty quickly
in October...)

Yesterday Kyle took the rest of the shutters
off Linda's house (did the 1st floor on Tuesday
and the 2nd floor yesterday) in preparation for
her flying in today from Utah.
Spent the rest of the day picking up branches, etc
and then raked her large front yard.

Didn't want the house to look un-inhabited.
As usual, there are unsavory characters
bouncing around looking for empty homes
to break into.

After work yesterday Rod drove up to New Smyrna
and picked up the feed for the month.
He usually does that on a Saturday, but
he and Kyle will be heading somewhere for the 
weekend to assist in the cleanup efforts.
(They don't know yet where they will be assigned.)
(They thought they were heading south west to Sebring,
but there has been talk about Naples and even
Jacksonville...  Doesn't matter, it's all the same.)

I'm teaching this weekend.
My classroom in West Palm Beach survived
the storm and got power back on Tuesday.
I emailed all 51 registered students and even
got a couple of RSVPs.  (never happens!)
As long as I have 5 humans in the room,
class will go forward.

I also discovered there is a Costco just a couple
of blocks from my school!  (Off the main road,
so I hadn't seen it... I only travel between my
school and my hotel - my 3 restaurants are located
in that small square as well... I'm not very adventurous
after a long day in the classroom.  Even with GPS.)
Although THIS weekend might not be a great time,
I do plan to drive over one evening and check it out!
Costco has WAY better stuff than Sam's.
(Including the soap Kyle fell in love with using in 
Sondra's Heber upstairs bathroom and has been
trying to duplicate ever since...)

They also carry Rodelle baking cocoa - but only
in the fall for the Christmas baking season.
I buy it on Amazon, it's the BEST (even better
than GASP Ghiradelli!  Never thought I'd say that!)
It's a better price at Costco too!


We are doing well.
Life is getting back to normal.
(Although the girls cut back on laying 
a little...or they are hiding their nests
out in the pastures somewhere...)
(Discovered SEVERAL holes in the wire,
and watched them hop in and out like it was
something we put there for their convenience.)

The wire needs to be replaced.
But we are planning to move the whole
thing to the back.
I hate to spend the money to fix it when it's 
going to just be temporary.
But I'm losing money if they are laying
somewhere that I can't find.

And I'll leave you with that.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Irma 9-12 Update


I tried to stay in touch with family
via text and facebook
throughout the day.

But decided we should really keep a record
here, since this is kind of my journal.

First off.
All is well.
I am at the office this morning.
(Blogging is SO much easier on my ergonomic
"wave" keyboard on my one computer
where I know where everything is!)

Driving in to work this morning was
actually nice!
I left a little early and the roads were
nice and clear with light traffic.
South bound was getting heavier, but
nobody was heading north!

My normal country music radio station
was coming in and out, so I switched
to the oldies station I use as my
mid-way station on my way down south to school.

They were completely off the air.

So then it was to my oldies rock station here in town.
They were coming in strong.
Listened to the end of an Elton John song,
then they put on another song which had a big
skip right at the beginning.
I thought CDs couldn't skip!

They quickly switched to another song.
Singing along, buzzing up the highway.
Suddenly the CD lost it's mind and the song
moved to 78 rpm!
Aaaaaand the chipmunks are singing!
And the engineer / DJ  went to get coffee
or something.

Brought a smile to my face.

Once at the office, our brand new building is
all open and operating well.  The front door
is not opening, so we are using the back door,
but everything else is good.
However, our other building (which they refurbished
after building ours... all the people moved into our
building for 6 months and then they moved back again
and we moved in... logistic NIGHTMARE I'm sure!)
Anyhow - the other building didn't fare as well.
They have no power.
We are running GIANT (noisy) generators out back
but I guess only enough to run our building.
So all the people from the other building are 
squished in here, working on laptops and sitting
at counters and just making do.

They seem in good spirits and friendly.
So it's all good.
(And I have headphones)


Meanwhile, back at the ranch (farm)
all is well.

There was some minor puddling in the front yard.
Lots of branches down from the oaks.
We spent some time gathering the big stuff
and carried it out to a big pile by the street.
(I forgot to take a picture - as we finished,
it started to rain again, so I put my phone away
and we went inside.)

My oaks won't need trimming for a couple of years.
The hurricane really cleaned out all the dead stuff.
You can DEFINITELY see the sky through them now.

Nothing fell on the house though.
Didn't even lose a single shingle!
Yea for strong roofs!

There were 3 small-ish pines that fell on the
back fence, so the guys took those down.
And another pine along the side where
we are putting the new chicken yard they were 
planning to take down anyway,
so while they were out there with the tractor
and the chain saw, they took it down.

Sniff Sniff.
I hate taking down trees.
I love shade.
But it was kind of in the way and pretty close
to the fence, so I understand.
Sniff Sniff.

The barn lost one piece of trim.
(Well, it's not lost, it was right there...)
We have Scott's OLD Jeep (that was junk
years ago when he was keeping it at the shop.
Kyle loaded it up and put it in the back of
our property because Scott was going to work
on it and maybe sell it.)
Anyhow - the engine hood blew up and backwards
taking out the windshield (but the glass landed in the
front seat so not a problem for horses, etc walking
back there) and landed near the fence (instead of
floating in the neighbor's pond like I kind of expected).
And the back door of the old shop trailer
(where we stashed the kayaks) 
blew open and bent a little,
but we fixed it and all is ok with that as well.

So over all, we had about 2% damage and
98% A-OK.
We'll take it!

Lots of my coworkers had rain / water damage
coming in through / around windows and under
doors.  Several of them still have no power.
Jim had a couple of trees down, but the guys
went over and took care of that yesterday.
We forgot to ask if he had power yet
(his went early) but since he didn't ask to use
a generator, either they still don't but are ok
or they have it and are ok.

Kyle is going to take one over this morning
if they need it.

So, thanks for stopping by Irma.
Glad to see you GO!

Thank you everyone for the prayers on our behalf.
Keep praying for those not so lucky.
And of course, Montana, Idaho, Texas, etc etc etc
who are still dealing with so many problems.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Irma 9-10 am Update

The storm is S L O W L Y arriving.
We have had some good heavy rain.
And several tornado warnings and watches.

Rod has been outside making sure everything is ok.
I have been cooking.

It's our love languages.

I have a big pot of chicken and wild rice
soup in the pressure cooker.

I love that stuff!
And if we lose power, it is easy to reheat
on the little propane stove.

But more importantly,
my office is a brand new, state of the art,
Cat 5 rated building.
Which means I will be expected to be at
work on Tuesday.
And it's COLD in there.
Soup will be SO welcome.

I might even make a big ol' crockpot
of (not on plan but delicious and comforting)
crockpot spaghetti.

SUPER easy and yummy.

Break a box of spaghetti noodles in your crock.
Add 2 jars of your favorite sauce.
Add a can of mushrooms (if you like them)
Add a brick of cream cheese.

Turn it on low and 4 hours later, when
people are ready for lunch,
lunch is ready.

My coworkers BEG for it!

Meanwhile - we are doing well.
The power flickered off for a minute
awhile ago so Rod turned off the A/C.

But the power and the A/C are both back on.
The dishwasher has finished it's final load.
The dryer has finished the final load of towels.
The pressure cooker is nearly up to pressure.

My blog is updated.

And now I'm heading to the couch to
curl up with a good book.

(I downloaded the entire Work and the Glory series
to my Kindle.  I'll come up for air later...)

How the dogs spend the hurricane.
We'll put them in their crates tonight
when we are expecting the worst of it
just in case the door blows open or anything.
(And they are happier in their crates)

I would take pictures of everybody else,
but Kyle doesn't allow photos,
I haven't put on any makeup,
and Rod is curled up on the couch,
possibly napping.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Irma 9-7 Update

Good morning!

This is what we have this morning.

Right where it says Mon 2AM is where we live.
The little blinking dot behind the words.
That's the light on my house.

I feel prepared.
Yesterday I filed off my fingernails
in case I have to do a bunch of work
after the storm.
Don't want them to snap off at the cuticle.

I'm pretty sure that was the absolute LAST
thing on my "to do" list.
(But I really did...)
(mostly because they were driving me crazy while
I was typing...)

Rod mentioned this morning we could use
a new sponge mop in case we get some water
in under the patio french doors.
They don't fit super tight.
I normally just lay some towels there.
We have a sponge mop, but we use it 
in the garage / dog room.

Get a new mop / go to Walmart vs 
lay down towels.

No contest.

Tonight Rod, Kyle and Rod's HT comp are
heading to another high council member's house
to put up his shutters.  He had back surgery this week.
Poor guy!

We are in that weird holding pattern.
Everything is ready.
(Ok, we haven't boarded up yet, but we 
still need to be able to function... only takes an hour)
So life is sort of normal - with this strange
butterfly feeling constantly in your stomach.

But we are all at work today.
SpaceX is sending up a "secret" rocket this morning.
(in about 2 hours)
I left early for work anticipating the highway being
gridlocked.  I got here so early I stopped at McD
for an egg mcmuffin!  LOL

My office is closed tomorrow.
I'll do a post - but it will have to be on Rod's computer.
I HATE posting from my iPad.
Meanwhile - we are doing well.
Keep us in your prayers, but don't panic.
We aren't.
And we really are intelligent adults.
Despite all evidence to the contrary.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Irma 9-6 Update

This is the latest map.

We have Irma.
She is the main player and the one heading
over to visit late this weekend and early next week.

Then we have Jose to the right
but looks like it's only going to
raise the waves on the beach.

And then if you look over to the Gulf of Mexico
there's a bunch of red and yellow.
That's Tropical Depression Katia.
She is crossing the state starting
at Tampa and hopefully leaving
north of us.
They are predicting rain today.

The weathermen are having a field day.

However, we as regular citizens are 
experienced, prepared, and dealing with it.

Yesterday Kyle put the shutters on the Samual's house
and made sure her farm is prepared.
He will be prepping the animals later in the week.
(they have a pasture in a pasture - they go in there...)

Last night after work Rod found the wood
that goes over the remaining windows for our house.
(We never "got around" to taking down some of
them from last year.  Scott requested we leave his
on his windows since they face East and it allows him
to sleep a couple extra hours.  And the office is still
shuttered - basically we took the shutters off Kyle's
room because he NEEDS sunshine to survive.)

The generators (yes, we have 2 of them) have been
serviced and we have plenty of fuel for them.
Since we have a well (actually 2 of those as well)
and generators to run them, we don't store
much water.  (We also have access to Brock's 
artesian well next door if need be.)

I did a little final grocery shopping last
night - we have freezers full of meat,
(beef, chicken, rabbit)
but I was a little light on veggies.

This morning I got fuel at 5 am before
there were lines at the pumps,
and picked up some batteries and
stevia sweetener (that I can ONLY get 
from Walmart and 5 am is the ONLY time
I'm willing to go in that store!  LOL).
By the time I left at 5:40, the store parking
lot was filling and the gas station was
doing a brisk business.
Glad I was early!

We have already taken down all big pine trees
that were threatening our fences and 
shored up / strengthened our perimeter fence.
All the animals will go the cow pasture.
Again kind of a "fence within a fence" situation.
The chickens will be locked in their coop.
The dogs will be in their kennels in the garage.
There's only one small window and 
that gets boarded up.

We are anticipating (right now, and it changes)
wind and rain beginning late Saturday or early
Sunday with the "real" stuff coming on Monday.
They are saying 120 mph once it hits the area
my schools are located in - that's 100 miles
south of us.  Which means it should drop again
by the time it gets to us.

But that is still 100+ mph.
A good strong storm.
But not the catastrophic stuff they 
will be getting to the south.

We have a cement block home.
With a relatively new roof.
(12 years - our shingles are rated for 20 years)
The only thing that might be in danger is our barn.
Since it's not actually a barn.
It's a sheet metal car port.
And it's getting a little long in the tooth.
I wouldn't be shocked to see it peel away
some of the roof / walls.
But as long as it doesn't hit anything on it's 
ride across the pasture, it's ok.

We are prepared.
We are ready.
We are respectful.
We are nervous, but not freaking out.

And we are ALWAYS grateful for any prayers
you might chose to send on our behalf.

But we are fine.
And we'll stay in touch.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Hurricane Irma Current Guess

This is the current guess on what they think
the hurricane is going to do.

It changes almost hourly.
We are keeping a close eye on it
and our plans are in place.

Hurricane Irma

In case you are wondering,
we are NOT in the pink. 
We are where the orange splits from the
pink on the left side. 

Click on the picture or the link above
to make it big enough to see.

Blogging on an iPad is a challenge.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Why We Don't Play The Lotto

We never play.
We used to.
But we don't any more.

We're not good at gambling.

Take the year 2005 for example.

That was the year after all the hurricanes.
Our city house needed major repairs.
And the farm house also needed major repairs.

We were a little short of money.
We had also decided to get Kyle
braces to see if it would help his headaches.

The company I worked for introduced the
Flexible Spending Account 
that year, but they did it wrong.
All you had to do was provide proof of
coverage and instead of taking their health
insurance, they would give you a Visa card
with a $3,000.00 balance.

So I found some garbage insurance
(turns out it was a scam, but I just wanted the card)
provided proof of coverage,
and got the $3,000 Visa.
Handed it to the dentist.
Voila - free braces for Kyle.
And then promptly cancelled the coverage.

Back Track

We NEVER use our health insurance.
We are blessed with amazing health.
We all get annual physicals for our birthdays.
Other than Rod's broken collar bone
WAAAAAY back in the day,
we don't have medical issues.
I get a blood test each 6 months
and thyroid medicine each month.
If you have to have a disease - pick this one.

So once we took care of Kyle's teeth (headaches)
we had no need for coverage, so I got rid of it.
(I was already pretty sure it was a scam... 
after all I teach insurance law...)

So we were buzzing along,
working on the farm house to make it habitable,
and then once it was and we moved in,
working on the city house to make it saleable.

Then Jim joined the Navy.
Except he had an ingrown toenail.
They required we have that fixed prior to swearing in.
So we paid for a quick surgical solution.
Out of pocket.

It grew back.

We paid for a second surgical solution.
Out of pocket.

It grew back.

We paid for a THIRD surgical solution,
this time with a Podiatric Surgeon
who essentially removed the nail at the ankle.
Yup, out of pocket.


We made SURE the Navy approved his toe prior 
to his swearing in.

This was August / September / October-ish.

Then Rod had his first round of retina detachment.
Of course, we still didn't have any coverage.
3 hours of emergency laser surgery runs about $25,000.
Fortunately, I not only teach about health insurance,
I also work for a medical practice so I know the magic words.

Uttering the magic words (and considerable charm),
we were able to negotiate a 50% discount on all 
but the Anesthesiologist.  He gave me a $50 discount.
Which I appreciated.
Seeing he had my husband's life in his hands.
Fair trade.

So we paid $13,600 instead.
For which we were grateful.
But still it was a tough nut to swallow.

I was walking in the woods by myself.
I had completed my walk and was returning 
to our property via the back trails.
I was next door - I could hear Rod and the boys
just on the other side of the fence.
(Pretty dense woods on the side I was on, so
they couldn't see me / didn't know I was there...)

I fell.
Tripped over an errant root.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Dislocating my left shoulder.

We STILL have no health insurance.

So...  I sat there on the ground and 
... uh... relocated? my shoulder.
Popped it back in?
Except that sounds so easy and pain free.

But I did.
Adrenaline is a WONDERFUL drug.

And then, I knew, from Rod having 
dislocated his shoulder in the past,
all they do is strap it down and allow it to heal.

Well, I can do THAT for FREE!
So I did.
I didn't strap it down - I didn't want anybody
to know I was hurt since they would take
me to the doctor and we didn't have coverage.
And I was tired of paying out of pocket.

So I just pinned my arm to my side
and didn't use it.
For about 6 weeks.
At which point I tried to use it.
But it still hurt.
So I held it pinned for another 2 weeks.

At which point I discovered
it was frozen.


But by then, it was the new year.
And we picked up the health insurance again.

I went to the doctor and got yelled at.
And 4 weeks of Physical Therapy.
And considerable discomfort.

But my shoulder is all better.
(I now have bursitis, but it's in the other shoulder...)

Kyle - braces
Jim - 3 surgeries
Rod - 1 surgery
Collette - who knows... lol

And now you see why we don't play the lotto.