Thursday, September 28, 2017

Random Thoughts

My birds aren't happy being contained.

This is what I found the other day
when I got home from work.

She was trying to squeeze out the tiny hole
we have to reach our hands through
to open / close the gate.

She was stuck.

(But when I came over she freaked out
and backed into the coop again.)

Silly birds.

(They are good layers, but not particularly
PRETTY birds... their feathers have a pretty
green sheen in the sunshine, but their faces
leave a little to be desired...)

Rod and Kyle are leaving tomorrow to drive
down to Marathon in the Keys.
They are "team lead" on a group who have
been asked by the Area Seventy to help
down there.

The guys have been working both Saturday
and Sunday every weekend since the hurricane
hit and they are pretty pooped.
The Stake President said we were going to
take this weekend off and recharge our batteries
while participating in General Conference.

But the Area Seventy contacted him Tuesday
and said that, like the Saints in SLC who dropped
everything (including the lady's petticoats to make
clothes for those they were rescuing) to rescue the
folks who were stranded in the snow,
we are being asked to continue our efforts.
Its a 5 hour drive (but add Miami traffic and
it usually stretches to 7) so they are leaving 
on Friday, working Saturday and Sunday, 
and driving back on Monday.

Rod's new employer is AWESOME.
He is taking a "floating holiday" on Friday.
And with a letter from the Stake President
they will pay him for a "volunteer day" on Monday.

They say this will be the final weekend.

Unfortunately, we can't get to Puerto Rico.
Those are the people who REALLY need 
our help.
The Keys were damaged, but they are
pretty resourceful and are already back and
open for business.
It will be 6 months before many of the people
on Puerto Rico even have power again.
Our hearts and prayers go out to them.
And maybe a special line on your next tithing
form with a donation for assistance to those folks.

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