Sunday, September 10, 2017

Irma 9-10 am Update

The storm is S L O W L Y arriving.
We have had some good heavy rain.
And several tornado warnings and watches.

Rod has been outside making sure everything is ok.
I have been cooking.

It's our love languages.

I have a big pot of chicken and wild rice
soup in the pressure cooker.

I love that stuff!
And if we lose power, it is easy to reheat
on the little propane stove.

But more importantly,
my office is a brand new, state of the art,
Cat 5 rated building.
Which means I will be expected to be at
work on Tuesday.
And it's COLD in there.
Soup will be SO welcome.

I might even make a big ol' crockpot
of (not on plan but delicious and comforting)
crockpot spaghetti.

SUPER easy and yummy.

Break a box of spaghetti noodles in your crock.
Add 2 jars of your favorite sauce.
Add a can of mushrooms (if you like them)
Add a brick of cream cheese.

Turn it on low and 4 hours later, when
people are ready for lunch,
lunch is ready.

My coworkers BEG for it!

Meanwhile - we are doing well.
The power flickered off for a minute
awhile ago so Rod turned off the A/C.

But the power and the A/C are both back on.
The dishwasher has finished it's final load.
The dryer has finished the final load of towels.
The pressure cooker is nearly up to pressure.

My blog is updated.

And now I'm heading to the couch to
curl up with a good book.

(I downloaded the entire Work and the Glory series
to my Kindle.  I'll come up for air later...)

How the dogs spend the hurricane.
We'll put them in their crates tonight
when we are expecting the worst of it
just in case the door blows open or anything.
(And they are happier in their crates)

I would take pictures of everybody else,
but Kyle doesn't allow photos,
I haven't put on any makeup,
and Rod is curled up on the couch,
possibly napping.

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