Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Change in Plans

I went to WalMart this morning
and bought the new garland
and red bows for the front gate.

I was going to put them up 
after eating some lunch and
then take pictures for my blog.

But while I was eating lunch,
the skies opened up
and it POURED.
(0% chance of rain today.)
(Yeah, right.)

So scrap THAT idea.

But when I went outside earlier
(before the rain)
this is what I saw...

She does this every day.

Hops up to the roof of the coop.

She wanders around up there for a little while.

And then she flies down into the yard.
And she's free.
Little stinker!!!!!

Luckily she generally heads straight
into the hay room in the barn
and lays her egg.
And then it's out to the pastures
to look for bugs
for her afternoon snack.

(She has 3 or 4 sisters who do
the same thing... monkey see,
monkey do.)

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