Rod took a sick day yesterday.
He went to work, but about an hour
into his day, he broke out in a
major rash on the inside of
both arms!
Raised, red, angry welts that were
pretty itchy.
Freaked the other guys out,
so they sent him home.
They started popping up on his
sides and back as well,
so off to the pharmacy we went
to pick up some Benedryl.
(I have lots of voo doo stuff in
my cabinets, but I never keep
that sort of thing.
It goes bad LONG before we
need it again...)
He took some, then we went
into town and stopped at the
shoe repair store that has been
there for a billion years.
I took my riding boots in to be
re-soled in 1982!
He has a pair of nice black leather
cowboy boots that he likes to wear
to church with his suit.
They look nice and are really comfy.
But he has worn holes in both the soles.
We were happy to see the little
hole in the wall store was still
there and run by the next (or even
the next next generation).
They said this was their busy season
so it would probably take 2 weeks,
but it was only $50 to put new heels
and leather soles on!
Pretty decent!
And next door is another little old
hole in the wall from back in the day.
A little breakfast / lunch diner
called Ethel and Fred's, but
everyone has always called it
Fred & Ethel's.
They were FAMOUS for their
peanut butter pie
back in the 80's when I worked
in that neck of the woods.
We stopped in for an omelet and some
of the best cooked crispy bacon
Rod has ever had at a restaurant.
FINALLY somebody got it right!
And then we were off again.
Stopped at the cheap (inexpensive)
gas station and put in my
Bought the car 2 weeks ago!
And then to the dealership to see Jim,
get the car washed and detailed
and get some instructions on some of
the fancy features that I'm SURE
he showed me, but I can't remember...
But he was busy selling a car.
Still got the car detailed though,
and got to wave and smile at him...
Then it was back home to cut and weed
a bunch of decals for a client,
I made a pan of Rod's favorite
German Pancake for his breakfast
for the next week
and had a couple of ripe bananas
that I made into a pan of
"Bust a Myth" banana cake for
us to eat as snacks.
I'm going to take a couple of slices
this weekend for my mid morning
and mid afternoon snacks.
Made a yummy meatloaf with some
of our ground beef.
It's a SUPER easy and delicious
It's a SUPER easy and delicious
2 # ground beef
1.5 C favorite salsa
.5 C sour cream
.5 C greek yogurt
2 T taco seasoning
2 large eggs
.5 C cracker crumbs (I use oatmeal)
Bake at 350 for 45 min to an hour.
I used my 8x8 pyrex pan,
my toaster oven,
and put a little grated cheese on top
just for fun.
It was done and ready to eat in 45 min.
It was a yummy dinner for a cold
(68), blustery, cloudy, misty sort of day.
It really FELT like winter.
Today, however, we woke up
to beautiful blue skies.
Chilly, but with the sun shining,
you don't even notice!
Scott finished fixing Jim's 4 wheeler
that he keeps in our barn.
We use it for dragging the pastures
and he sometimes comes and gets it
and a truck and goes out riding with buddies.
The rats ate some of the wires.
But Scott got it all fixed and running again.
Thanks Scott!!!!
I put the dogs in the garage
so they wouldn't disturb him,
and was sitting here on the couch drinking
my breakfast drink and thinking it
was probably time to let them out,
when I heard a bunch of little kid
voices. Like recess or PE at the local
elementary school.
Except we don't have a local elementary school.
And then I remembered Brock saying
he was hosting 60 little kids
for a school field trip this morning.
(And 55 more on Monday)
Glad it was a beautiful day for it!
They brought 2 buses full!
The kids seemed to be having a good time,
checking out the donkey and goats...

Meanwhile my cows and horses were
having a good time checking them out too.
(By the time I got my camera out, they were
heading on to the next thing...)
Sounds like they are having a good time
over there.
I'll bet Brock is ready for a nap!
I'm doing laundry and getting my
rosters all printed up for another
big class this weekend.
Heading to West Palm.
Have a wonderful, safe and happy weekend.
The kids seemed to be having a good time,
checking out the donkey and goats...

Meanwhile my cows and horses were
having a good time checking them out too.
(By the time I got my camera out, they were
heading on to the next thing...)
Sounds like they are having a good time
over there.
I'll bet Brock is ready for a nap!
I'm doing laundry and getting my
rosters all printed up for another
big class this weekend.
Heading to West Palm.
Have a wonderful, safe and happy weekend.
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