Thursday, February 8, 2018

A Day In the Life of a Bull Calf

Our friend (and Kyle's employer)
Linda has two little bull calves.
You might remember their birth
right around Thanksgiving this last year.

Dusty and Caesar are both cute
as can be and growing well.
Caesar is very gentle and sweet,
laid back and happy to have people around.

Dusty, on the other hand, is just like
his mother.  Shy, skittish, NOT happy
to be around people or to be touched.

Today was the day they got to be
"de-bulled".  Dusty got into the
squeeze chute with a little encouragement
from his buddy Kyle, while his Mom
looked on anxiously.

Clayton (the vet's assistant in the pinkish
shirt) manned the controls on the squeeze
with Linda (in the flowered top) watching
carefully.  We NEVER anticipate doing this
ourselves, but this vet is awesome about 
talking us through and teaching as she goes.

When you have little bitty calves, you
have to squeeze the chute down pretty tight.
It helps to be a skinny girl vet!

He cooperated like a champ though.

And of course Caesar was just as good.
It was over in a minute and they were
both reunited with their moms and
the whole family headed out to the
green grass pasture to have a snack.

The vet gave the entire herd a nod at 
their great condition and mentioned the
little boys were getting great nutrition
and had a nice little fat pad built up.

All in a day's work on a little cattle farm.

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