Thursday, February 22, 2018

Catching Up

Yesterday was a busy day.
Today was supposed to be too...

Yesterday I got a LOT accomplished.

1. Fed the animals
2. Dragged the pasture
3. Came inside and did a 30 minute workout
4. Cooked and ate my fried eggs & okra
5. Called the hotel and got a "resolution".
(see note)
6. Called the doctor to get a thyroid refill.
7. Called the other hotel for a better receipt.
8. Mowed the front and middle yards
(only my 2nd time - I'm not good at it yet,
it took an HOUR! LOL)
9. Colored my hair (roots) and showered.
10. Drove to Aldi's to return the little
convention / toaster oven I bought,
but turns out I don't actually like.
11. Drove to WalMart to return the two
bras I bought but don't like and buy
some groceries.
12. Home again to make a sprouted bread
turkey and spinach sandwich for lunch.
13. Wash and deliver the eggs
for this week (20 dozen) while listening
to my Trim Healthy Mama podcast.
14. Fed the animals and cleaned out the
duck pond and refilled it with fresh water.
15. Finished typing Chapter 5.
16. Ate dinner (Kyle cooked - steak and
potatoes and mixed veggies)


This morning I started out feeding the animals.
Then it was such a beautiful morning with a 
lovely breeze blowing, I sat in a chair and
listened to music while drinking a "collagen tea".

My "office".

Eventually I went into the house and
changed into workout clothes and did another
30 minute workout.
Ate my fried eggs and okra.
Called the doctor's office to find out the status
of my thyroid refill.
It was a 90 day refill - they called it in 
and it was denied because it was already
requested on Feb 5, which was too early,
so it was on hold.

Nobody knows who initiated the 2/5 refill request,
but it definitely wasn't ME!

Jumped in the car to retry CVS.
Yes, they could fill it for me now.
It would be $41.

For generic thyroid meds???

No chance.

Drove to Walmart to switch my
prescription over there.
Their cash price is $10 for 90 days.

However, my doctor's computer system
was down (I worked there for 17+ years
and I can SOOO relate!)

I wandered around the store while on
hold, trying to get my refill taken care of.
Bought some cashew milk and heavy cream.
And a new shirt for Kyle.
And some workout capris for me.
And a t-shirt.
And a pizza.
Oh, and another bra. hahahaha
(Rod has a meeting in Vero Beach tonight
and needs something quick and easy...)

I got there at 1:00.
I left at 2:15 without any meds.

Came home to make another sandwich
and sit on the couch and watch a sappy
Hallmark movie.

And now I'm at my table, getting ready
to do today's typing.
And just got an email that my drugs are there.

So...  I'll type for awhile, then walk 
next door to get paid for this week's eggs,
and then I guess I'll make another trip
into town to WalMart.

Oh, and I'm putting some beef soup bones
in my pressure cooker to make some
good quality beef stock.
Wish me luck.

* I guess I'll tell the hotel story tomorrow.
This is already WAAAAAY too long.
And I'm still a little ticked.

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